Example sentences of "[conj] what [pron] [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Like human families the animal and the bird life have a order of seniority or what they call the pecking order and usually the more dominant member of the clan is the oldest .
2 It reflects neither character or soul , nor what we call the self .
3 We are also influenced by the situation in which we receive messages , by our cultural and social relationship with the participants , by what we know and what we assume the sender knows .
4 Mistakes like Golding 's are ‘ external mistakes ’ — disparities between what the book claims to be the case , and what we know the reality to be ; often they merely indicate a lack of specific technical knowledge on the writer 's part .
5 Organisations have many different objectives and engage in a variety of activities , so there is a problem in defining an initial perspective on organisation theory and what we expect the theory to cover .
6 Now we used to clean the bottom up cos used to be a big boiler in the dredger and erm we used to close down every six weeks , which they used to call blow the boiler down , that mean that they open the valve and the heat used to take all the water into the river , so er , that used to be blown down Friday night , come Saturday morning we 'd start at six o'clock and chip all the fur off inside the boiler , cos the boiler was made with all and what we call the crown , that used to be the two furnaces , cos they 're double the big boiler were a double furnace and we had to chip all that fur off them , well it used to take us now from six o'clock in the morning or say seven when we got there had to go down the tug and er go down the tug and erm , then we go aboard and strip off .
7 The whole bent of thought , and what we call the spirit of the age , point straight in that direction . ’
8 Er when you 're riding a horse , you see the weight is all on the back er whichever tendency do and what we call the gait er
9 Their plan was a simple one : pay the imprisoned debtors ' debts , plus the fees demanded for their clearance and what they owed the keeper for lodgings and the rest , and they could be released .
10 And what they see the Conservatives coming forward with are harebrained schemes for vouchers , a handful of city technology colleges , and pushing opting out .
11 In an often-quoted and much-criticised comparison of seventy-five countries in 1960 , Harbison and Myers found a high statistical correlation between GNP per head and what they called the Index of Human Resources which was based primarily on school enrolment rates .
12 gone and what they call the head at least four times lately .
13 One is she 's very interested in the occult , erm , she actually practices tarot card readings , and what she calls the crystal oracle , and she gave me a brief explanation , which is throwing a load of rocks up a cloth er , but I 'm not going to push me
14 Clusters of actions so she looked at things like the use of the hands the use of the feet the use of the eyes erm and what she called the centre line .
15 The research is being conducted within the theoretical context of ‘ discourse models ’ — the mental representations which a listener constructs on the basis of what he knows about the world in general , what the speaker is actually saying and what he thinks the speaker is intending to say .
16 If you reach the conclusion that the asking price is reasonable , ring the agent and ask if any other offers have been made and what he thinks the owner might accept .
17 Northam ( 1988 ) points out how the Metropolitan police have responded with ‘ considerable imagination ’ to the apathy and cynicism of lower ranks by putting them through courses designed to combat sexism , racism and what he calls the John Wayne machismo ‘ canteen culture ’ .
18 And we posit an inner private object to be what the child knows and what he uses the words ‘ I like Auntie Kate ’ to stand for .
19 Rowntree quotes Philip Jackson on the average school system and what it teaches the student : " He learns to be passive and to acquiesce to the network of rules , regulations and routines in which he is embedded . "
20 The overall economic picture was more gloomy than that set out by the government in November when it first put forward measures aimed at reversing the country 's economic decline [ see pp. 38587-88 ] and what it called the mismanagement by the previous Social Democratic administration .
21 Yeah , but what we had the Conservatives have sold !
22 But what I want the Hearts Mid-Lothian supporters to know is that if we do n't go to Hermestone , it is highly likely we 'll be remaining at Tynecastle , and we could put together a very attractive proposal there .
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