Example sentences of "[conj] has been [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If your car is suitable , or has been adjusted to unleaded , you will notice no significant reduction in performance .
2 investment ) , tourism and weaving underpin the fragile economy which is or has been augmented by local centres of enterprise such as the oil platform fabrication yard at Arnish near Stornoway ( now closed ) , the rocket-range support base at Ballavanich , the military developments at Stornoway airfield and scattered small scale initiatives such as fish processing and , notably , salmon farming in sheltered bays and sea lochs .
3 To equate this ‘ avowed objective ’ of social policy with its real objective , as Marshall seems to do , involves an acceptance of a particular ideology about the ‘ welfare state ’ that has been challenged by various writers .
4 Mr Trippier was one of a number of European government ministers who attended the conference and spoke of their committment to compensate developing countries for the expense they would have to entail in order to avoid adding to an ecological disaster that has been created by industrialised states .
5 According to David Hume , the subject of the next chapter , Berkeley 's account of abstract ideas was ‘ one of the greatest and most valuable discoveries that has been made of late years in the republic of letters ’ .
6 On the basis of these split-brain studies , the most general statement that has been made about right hemisphere specialisation is that they are non-linguistic functions that seem to involve complex visuo-spatial processes .
7 On the basis of these split-brain studies , the most general statement that has been made about right hemisphere specialisation is that they are non-linguistic functions that seem to involve complex viso-spatial processes .
8 I have already explained , I think three times , in the hearing of President Delors why this Government are not prepared to put at risk the striking progress that has been made in industrial relations in this country since 1979 .
9 ‘ Let's at least try to solve the immediate problem with a practical step that has been proven in other parts of the country , ’ he said .
10 The corollary of this is the increasing emphasis that has been placed on urban policies , such as Inner-City Partnerships and Enterprise Zones .
11 Usually it has something to do with the needs created by sharing : sharing the task of killing a large prey , sharing the task of defending the group against predators , sharing body heat to keep warm at night ; sharing out different duties that can be performed at the same time ; sharing the food that has been obtained by special members of the group ; and so on .
12 Thus , from the late 1970s parts of Sheffield began , very rapidly , to experience that deterioration of the economic fabric that has been felt in other parts of the county of South Yorkshire for much longer ( Walker 1981 ) .
13 Yet the notion of inter-hemispheric inhibition is one that has been adopted by other authors to explain how language becomes lateralised to the left hemisphere ( Gazzaniga , 1974 ) .
14 I accept everything that has been said by right hon. and hon. Members on both sides of the House about the need for a stronger line against terrorism .
15 This is something that has been advocated for disadvantaged communities across Europe but rarely gets past the rhetoric stage .
16 Work that has been done on distributed associative memory models suggests that these may be suitable for modelling natural language parsing .
17 Some of his biology is not too sound ; his statement that the gulls of the northern hemisphere may be exceptional — ‘ In the majority of species such gradual variation is not seen , and all the members are equally interfertile ’ — seems based on a plentiful lack of knowledge of the work that has been done on geographical variation in many groups of animals , including birds .
18 ‘ I believe the importance of genetic influences has been diminished in the amount of work that has been done on environmental influences .
19 Sometimes this seemed indicated , as when he told the legislature they must beware ‘ When we are freeing ourselves from one form of imperialism [ against those who would ] … bind us to another one which would swiftly undo all the work that has been done in recent years to foster … a free and independent nation ’ ; ‘ As we would not have British masters , so we would not have Russian masters . ’
20 I am also disappointed at the amount that has been given to Scottish Homes for housing .
21 Essentially , we deal with the recent historical context ( development ) , the common configuration of the systems ( components ) , the software that has been developed for specific uses ( tools ) and the outcome of using these tools ( applications and implications ) .
22 One particularly important technique that has been developed in recent years is the inverse scattering method of Belinskii and Zakharov ( 1978 , 1979 ) which had previously been developed as a soliton technique .
23 Another solution-generating technique that has been developed in recent years is that associated with Bäcklund transformations .
24 In this country that has been ravaged by civil war even more than by drought , security is shaky .
25 Labour believes that it can hijack the EC towards the type of socialism that has been rejected throughout eastern Europe .
26 Editor , — Paradoxical pain is a new and confusing term that has been defined in different ways .
27 The little that has been written about private health care in developing countries suggests great variations among doctors and countries .
28 His Laws is still read with pleasure when much that has been written in intervening centuries on the subjects which he treated appears arid , unintelligible , pompous or irrelevant .
29 The form of monetary policy that has been favoured in recent years is the control of interest rates .
30 Wales Link welcomes the appearance of a PPG Note concerned with coastal planning because it focuses attention on an important national resource that has been marginalised in strategic planning terms .
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