Example sentences of "[conj] would be [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Is my right hon. Friend aware that in many parts of the Yorkshire and Humberside region unemployment is significantly lower than it was at the time of the previous election , and that what the regional CBI fears above all else is the havoc that would be caused by a Labour Government , with their commitment to a statutory minimum wage , which would wipe out so many jobs , and to the European Community social chapter , which would make British industry uncompetitive in world terms ?
2 There would also be a pop-up chip that would be replaced like a film . ’
3 But this fact alone would hardly entitle a beneficiary to execution in rem against a third party : to allow that would be to indulge in a breach of fundamental principle and equity .
4 But if they were sold through a charity shop in the High Street that would be seen as a business . ’
5 This factor of material prosperity , which was already cited by Sombart ( 1906 ) at the beginning of this century as a partial explanation of the absence of any large-scale socialist movement in the US , acquired particularly great importance in the period following the Second World War , when economic growth took place more rapidly than ever before , and the question could be posed as to whether the US did not simply show to capitalist Europe the image of its own future — a future that would be characterized by a decline of the socialist movement , and indeed of all ideological revolutionary parties and movements .
6 In the starkest expression so far of the choice he believes the country faces tomorrow , the Labour leader portrayed the NHS as a benchmark of civilisation that would be threatened by a fourth Tory term .
7 They have spent the morning in classrooms working through a command post exercise ; they practise passing information and responding to the numerous and varied problems that would be posed in a real headquarters .
8 As well as stressing the dangers to the unity of the United Kingdom , the Tory campaign will concentrate this week on emphasising what ministers claim is the threat to recovery that would be posed by a Labour government , particularly the likelihood of an immediate increase in interest rates .
9 The argument rests on the assumption that the number of volatile-rich bodies that would be captured by a planet after it has accreted is roughly in proportion to the mass of the planet .
10 The author has developed an iterative method of calculating the synonym percentages that would be expected as a result of loading buckets of various capacities to a range of packing densities .
11 Four months ' observations of QB 1 reveal an orbit that would be expected for a Kuiper-belt object , although there is still considerable uncertainty in the eccentricity .
12 That is the verdict that would be expected from a Government department , but it is not the whole story .
13 This is the sort of speech that would be produced by a ‘ mechanical speech ’ device ( as described at the beginning of Chapter 14 ) that made sentences by putting together recordings of isolated words .
14 This is the kind of hypothesis that would be suggested by a specifically sociolinguistic interpretation of the evidence , but it is offered here as a suggestion , not as a definite conclusion .
15 The cut-out can accommodate most cutters that would be used in a 6mm collett .
16 This can disturb the normal eye movements that would be used by a fluent reader , and visual scanning can be impaired .
17 The little paintings are a sequential record of the kind of information that would be synthesised into a finished work .
18 This was a decision that would be taken after a climactic battlefield disaster but in the meantime two alternatives were to hand .
19 I would also point out how much their savings would be clobbered by the inflation that would be unleashed by a Labour Government 's economic policies .
20 The fact that many workers in these societies are themselves dependent on the owners of capital for the hire of their labour power is one of the factors that would be included in a more considered analysis of this link [ between dependency and production ] ,
21 The result will be less effective than would be achieved by a teacher in harmony with the unit ; indeed the contribution of the unit may have , on balance , been destructive .
22 There is thus evidence that UK corporate annual reports are more likely to include graphs which will present a more favourable view of the company 's financial performance than would be given by a more even-handed approach .
23 The circumstances of a particular case may , as a matter of discretion , justify a more stringent order against a contravener than would be justified against a person ‘ knowingly concerned , ’ but that is not the point .
24 Clearly , such an arrangement necessitates the use of more elaborate and comprehensive timber framing than would be employed in a narrow barn where masonry walls provide all the support for the roof .
25 ‘ ( a ) the survival of the company , and the whole or any part of its undertaking , as a going concern ; … ( d ) a more advantageous realisation of the company 's assets than would be effected on a winding up .
26 There were fewer dogs than would be found at a Romany camp , and no poultry at all .
27 Corrosion and metal attrition were little more than would be found in a five-or-ten year-old ship .
28 If these then need to be accessed via tree searches ( a structure not particularly suited to virtual paging mechanisms ) , more paging will result , necessitating many disc accesses , possibly not many less than would be required in a pure disc-based file system .
29 Cutting ability of the trimmer is better than would be expected of a cordless machine .
30 Apart from the evidence of reduced sexual interest in familiar members of the opposite sex , which I have already mentioned , the great mass of data shows that freely chosen human spouses are more like each other than would be expected on a chance basis .
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