Example sentences of "[conj] would [vb infin] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She is absolutely confident that she was privileged to witness a scene from the past in startling clarity that would continue to baffle her for ever .
2 CHINA 'S hardline vice-president Wang Zhen died yesterday , just days before a meeting of parliament that would have retired him from his post .
3 At one time that would have meant nothing to her ; now , she realised , it meant everything .
4 It is doubtful if the corridors of Whitehall and the British civil service will quite match this record , but the simple point is that a host of records of potential interest to the historian that would have manifested themselves on paper will no longer do so .
5 Francis could have been involved in something a bit shady but nothing that would have brought him within range of any violence .
6 Against this , as we saw , the existentialists argued that rather than making futile attempts to " eliminate " the problem one should subject it to a different type of treatment that would help place it in a proper philosophical perspective , and this was correct as far as it went .
7 A person that would like to share their with everybody
8 It indicates that you are unlikely to be a person who thinks she knows all the answers and would tend to overwhelm her with advice and urge her to ‘ dry your eyes and try not to think about it too much ’ ; and best of all , you care .
9 But of course Downton is a huge company , too , and would have dragged everyone through the courts if necessary . ’
10 As the head of Cedars was making his entry list for September already , and would have to submit it by the end of the week , the educational psychologist was going to request a place for Balbinder before Statementing him .
11 The feats would have been long saved for , and would have boasted plenty of meats , sweets and intoxicants .
12 ‘ I must say I was not aware of all the problems the police have detailed and would have done something about it had they told me . ’
13 It was an exchange of literary gossip , having to do with the finances of writing , and the ‘ ghosting ’ of the Marlborough memoirs , and would have meant nothing to the dancing , chattering folk in Raasay House .
14 Arctic plants would have been transported southwards on icebergs , and would have established themselves on the islands corresponding to the modern mountains .
15 Groom stood her ground and , eventually , as a way out of the impasse , telephoned the Woman 's Page editor in London , who advised her that , as she was already in France , she should do the interview and would have to send it to the Ashleys for their approval before publication .
16 He had grabbed hold of Cliff and had him halfway over the ship 's side and would have dumped him into the dock had he not been restrained by a couple of his workmates .
17 Perhaps Friday was still a wild man and would try to kill me in the night .
18 If you are attracted to knowing more about your own psychology ( and other people 's ) , or have low self-esteem or emotional problems and would like to do something about it , then you need to decide how ‘ deep ’ you want to go .
19 Or it could be that they would be appropriate for the reception area in one of the factories , or we might give one to a distributor and say , here you are , this you know , put this in if you 've got the right sort of area and would like to use it for a bit , stick it in there .
20 I 've been buying your magazine religiously for the last 18 months and would like to thank you for a great read .
21 ‘ We really appreciate your responsibility and concern and would like to thank you for the clear and reasonable explanation given . ’
22 I am enjoying my writing career and would like to develop it into a full-time career if I can earn enough money .
23 I then told him that I was collecting her works and would like to buy them from him .
24 It may be an absolutely true statement , but it does nothing whatsoever to give any guidance as to the ways in which performance may be improved and merely passes a message down the line that those at the top do not want to know the bad news and would like to dissociate themselves from it .
25 We were asleep by 8 p-m. but would have to take it in turn to keep guard , not just against the enemy but also the cows !
26 On the same day , the Irish government promised a detailed study of the loophole in the extradition law , which prevented extradition for possession of , but would have allowed it for use of , a firearm .
27 ‘ In the excitement of getting Penny back I ca n't did n't get their names but would like to thank them for their kindness . ’
28 We get lost of letters from riders who are keen to have a go at competing but would like to arm themselves with some information first .
29 I plan to repaint it but would like to keep it in its present colours .
30 Those candidates exercise their freedoms and I defend those freedoms — If the freedoms which Conservative Members say they want to uphold were so widespread , they would not only define freedom in terms of the power to own shares in a company but would seek to defend it in terms of being able to get a job in that company , in a country with getting on for 2.5 million unemployed .
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