Example sentences of "[conj] have been [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Any hollows or unevenness indicate either that they have been badly laid or have been affected by subsidence .
2 The provisions that make this £150 " discrepancy " potentially chargeable are : ( i ) s 19 TA 1988 , the Schedule E income tax charging provision ; and ( ii ) s 162 TA 1988 , which can apply the " notional loan " provisions of s160 to a situation where Newco acquires shares in Target and persons " connected " with Newco , namely management , are or have been employed by Target and/or are about to be employed by Newco , and the Target shares are acquired at an under-value in pursuance of a right or opportunity available by reason of management 's employment .
3 It is difficult to know what of the next few seconds I remember , or have pieced together , or have been told by Nathan .
4 most planation surfaces are or have been graded with respect to some base elevation , usually sea level , but often to an endorheic basin or to a climatic control above sea level ;
5 Avoid areas that have been sprayed with insecticides .
6 Salati and Vose ( 1983 ) , for example , believe that of the 8 x 10 6 km 2 of tropical forests that have been converted to agriculture , some 3 × 10 6 km 2 are now under shifting cultivation while 3.5 × 10 6 k 2 have been converted to pasture .
7 He supports the curtailment , apparently , of green-form advice , which I believe is largely motivated by the embarrassment which the Government have suffered from a number of very successful cases that have been mounted against Home Office decisions by law centres and legal aid practices throughout the country .
8 Sections that have been saved to disk from other designs can also be imported on to the current grid , so a completely new pattern could be created simply by combining various sections from other designs .
9 We have only looked , in this chapter , at a small subset of the parameter values that have been examined by researchers in recent years .
10 For this reason it is important to use the best models and computer codes that have been validated by experiments such as those carried out in the loss of fluid test ( LOFT ) facility in Idaho ( New Scientist , vol 93 p 521 ) .
11 This Fact Sheet will be followed by a series of Briefing Papers for MPs , which will go beyond the facts to a description of the types of arguments that have been employed by researchers to study the causes of unemployment , including the possible effects so far as they are known of various remedies that have been proposed .
12 So Miss 's point is very appropriate to bring a report back to a future committee in the near future , er , that covers the queries that have been raised by members , and the Government 's new policies or new proposals , I will take instructions from the Chief Executive on that , and will , er subject to the Chief Executive 's review , also cover matters such as structure plan , and the co-ordination of this er , within , within the local authority .
13 Er taking some of the points that have been raised by Mr Steel .
14 Well , it 's a rather complicated thing but I think we need the cameras and I think we must go ahead and get them into so that we can see if they work as well in in terms of road safety as they have in trials elsewhere , because the results that have been obtained in London and also in Cornwall and Nottingham have been very very impressive , as you know .
15 Right Well garages the there are already some here and here , both in here and here that have been built as part of Ayletts Field .
16 These offer special concessions to help you build your business and so create jobs to replace those that have been lost in mines and steelworks .
17 We take for granted the principles that have been argued in Chapters 1 and 2 .
18 Interbedded with these are glacier-derived muds containing the skeletons of small pelagic organisms , and mounds of sediments that have been accumulated by currents flowing along the continental slope .
19 The process does work on genuinely dirty records but , unfortunately , can not provide the Lazarus touch for discs that have been played on decks that use a small chisel as a stylus .
20 Disclose the accounting policies that have been applied to stocks and long-term contracts , in particular the method of ascertaining turnover and attributable profit .
21 It is on the basis of these distinctions that Hayek seeks to avoid certain criticisms that have been applied to Oakeshott .
22 Although , as he points out , ‘ it really is n't new at all , just a return to traditions of healing that have been accepted for millenniums ’ .
23 The decision to close the centres coincided with news of the sudden death of a head teacher whose school is one of four secondaries on the south side of Glasgow that have been threatened with closure .
24 This , to use a definition of the American , Stanley Ellin , one of the writers to have given us short stories to equal any that have been written since crime and the short story met ( read his The Speciality of the House ) is any story so long as it deals with " that streak of wickedness in human nature " .
25 The text is based on ideas that have been developed through observations and trials in the classroom — they are offered in the spirit of exploration rather than in supplying definitive answers to the designer 's problems .
26 Of the many curves that have been explored by mathematicians , the roulettes are formed by a curve rolling along another , fixed curve and are fundamental to mechanics .
27 The reason is that it is based , not on discernible facts , but on stories and writings that have been created by man himself in an era of his history obtaining long before he had learned that , if he were so minded , he could use his intellectual power to establish facts on which to build the structure , not only of his religion , but of the whole of his society .
28 Select the needles with the selector lever , pushing back to B position any end needles that have been selected to D position .
29 More issues will be debated fully and the Bill will be better scrutinised than many of the measures that have been cited as precedents .
30 ‘ We have identified three different individuals that have been seen in Puget Sound in previous years , two of which were spotted in the area of the pits . ’
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