Example sentences of "[conj] come [adv prt] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Pearn and the members of his staff had started a monthly publication called Burma Today , giving news brought out by men who had gone in with Wingate , photographs taken by army photographers or by RAF planes on patrol , and first-hand accounts by people smuggled out of occupied Burma or coming out from the growing number of liberated areas .
2 It was easier for the man that came round with the Cooperative lorry to just take tokens
3 How could she be expected to cope with stupid computers that had n't the wit to understand a simple error , or calculators that came up with the wrong numbers ?
4 The County Council took into account a wide range of considerations , in including the the information that came through from the local plan authorities , in the preparation of their local plans over the past ten years or more .
5 Scientists have studied how the cloud of electrons , protons and neutrons that came out of the big bang would have coalesced to make nuclei and atoms ; their studies correctly predict the proportion of various chemical elements in the universe .
6 Up to now all we 've got are light gases the gases that came out of the Big Bang .
7 It 's now forgotten that when Hugh Dalton began to publish his memoirs with large chunks of his diary in in the late fifties and early sixties , particularly the the high tide volume that came out about the Labour government of forty five to fifty one which was very venomous .
8 And you the wee envelopes that came in with the black edging on them .
9 Looking up at the north-facing slope ahead you would see snow and ice and you would tremble , but you would know that coming down on the other side , you would walk in sunshine , through green grass and sweet-smelling flowers .
10 ‘ It is not truth that comes out of the Black Comedy 's darkness , but only sight gags .
11 What you have going for you is the ability to withstand whatever is dished up and to come out on the winning side .
12 In this situation , the onus is on the band to sell all the tickets and to come out with the extra money .
13 Theodora circled the house in the direction of the arrow and came round to the back door .
14 Rachaela did as she was told , and came out to the examining table , very white with something on it like a large paper towel .
15 As they rounded the hump and came out on the broad , gentler seaward slope they saw a uniformed policeman standing on the cliff edge , and when they joined him he pointed to the rocky shore below .
16 But they reached the house , or rather the road below , and when Adamus had paid the driver-no account was mentioned — they walked up the crumbling slope in the shadowed midday light , and came out among the wet green oaks , and the house appeared .
17 It was unfair to the defendant and came about by the calculated action of the police to lull Newall into a false sense of security , he added .
18 He took in Marcus 's absence , went upstairs and came down with the pale boy behind him .
19 ‘ An alternative theory is that the killer knocked him out first , then went into the washroom to strip and came back for the final throat-cutting before Berowne had a chance to come round .
20 It 's possible that he tiptoed down the passage and came in by the main door .
21 I started at one corner and I went right across and came off at the other corner , and I did n't go back .
22 And in addition to that , of course , they have copper , and coming up on the future horizon cobalt , and erm the possibilities of developing tourism on quite a big scale , as they were beginning to do in the nineteen sixties before Amin Amin took over .
23 This error is like climbing below a col , and coming up on the wrong side of it .
24 risking their lives and coming back with the whole lot that he collected and brought back again .
25 He stumbled but did n't fall , turning his motion to attack with balletic ease , and coming back at the other man with tremendous force .
26 Anyway , ’ Finch said in his ordinary voice and coming out of the interesting counterpoint , ‘ if he 's not rotten , he 's certainly out of the usual run of analysts .
27 And he turned back to the Toyota , reaching in to the rear seat and coming out with the blasting plunger .
28 A hundred parachute troops from the 2nd Parachute Battalion made this entrance on 27 February 1942 , fighting their way into the station and coming out with the vital gear dismantled by Flight-Sergeant Cox , a radar expert .
29 Then there were those brown corduroys and blue jeans : the very seams of his old , faded pants enraptured me , seeming to underscore the seductive outlines of his lower frame , running from the back of his thick leather belt down along that mysterious , rich intercrural channel , and coming out at the other end of the tunnel at the tense crossroads orienting the scrotum 's heavy bag with its blissful raphe , or subtly defining and underlining the inside and outside of the long , smooth thighs and the stocky , bulgy , athletic calves .
30 After a long time I heard him get up and come over to the long wall , near to where I was sitting listlessly in the arm-chair .
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