Example sentences of "[conj] its [noun sg] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They fear that its place at the cutting edge of environmental radicalism has been taking by groups such as Earth First .
2 couple of decades there has been an unparalleled interest in the occult and astrology and Satanism , and witchcraft and society at large , on the one hand it worships at the shrine of science and technology and then it turns and pays its cash , and it does pay its cash , and its homage at the signs of the zodiac , and at the other various things dealing wi or are a part of the occult .
3 the sound of whose surname and its positioning at the start of the final stanza aurally and visually rhymes with ‘ Declines ’ which similarly ends a sentence as the first word of stanza six .
4 The changes in the Soviet Union since the arrival in power of Gorbachev in 1984 and its abolition at the end of 1991 have left a number of subjects for scrutiny in the economic field .
5 If the signals only vary slowly , and respectively represent the small-signal conductance and resistance at the operating point and are given by the slope of the static characteristic and its inverse at the operating point .
6 Uncertainties about the depth of the top of the Sherwood reservoir and its quality at the target location meant that the task was not an easy one .
7 But its twin at the College of Technology has been scrapped after members of Darlington Health Authority were told that some people were embarrassed to attend in front of their peers .
8 But its skill at the wheel remains a matter of legitimate debate while the audience is temporarily neglected .
9 But its bishop at the time of Pepin III , Bishop Chrodegang , a younger contemporary of St Boniface , had initiated a very influential rule of life for its canons which was quasi-monastic .
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