Example sentences of "[conj] then [verb] them with [art] " in BNC.

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1 Once the new house had been built is was often blocked in with a single course of concrete blocks and curiously enough today thirty five years later the modern method of building houses is to construct them all of wood and then surround them with a single course of concrete blocks .
2 The muted notes which are found at the beginning of bar 7 should be produced by damping the strings at the seventh position ( approx ) and then picking them with a gentle up-stroke using your r/hand index finger .
3 Alan Walker argues that the social security policies have played a central role in puffing people on the margins of society , forcing them into retirement and then providing them with a pension which reduces many older people to economic dependency and even poverty .
4 Firstly , erm , issues of principle , and I I 've outlined those in item nine one six , and then acquainted them with the Lincolnshire situation , special things that we thought applied in Lincolnshire , that they ought to be aware of .
5 Clearly , if the knowledge that classes A and B were once distinct is no longer present in speakers ' minds , they can not pick out the class B items and so can not separate them from the merged class and then re-merge them with a completely different class .
6 Yes , I 'm all right , ’ Tamar replied , opening her eyes and then veiling them with the black sweep of her lashes , but not before Tempy had seen the gleam of triumph in their topaz depths .
7 The danger of approaching whole group work by letting children first improvise in small groups and then presenting them with an issue which you hope will give them a focus is that they remain more interested in what 's going on in their group than in the supposedly unifying issue : " Why should I be interested in the corner shop being knocked down when I never use it , and anyway we 've just been burgled ? ! "
8 When I trained as a reader , I had to write essays on a range of Biblical subjects , and then discuss them with a tutor .
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