Example sentences of "[conj] then [verb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I spent the first eighteen months working in all the factory departments , so I started with a good knowledge of precisely how the product was made and did all the jobs that then existed in the production of confectionery .
2 Here was the suggestion of the spreading fan of an eminent Victorian , a beard clotted with high-flown phrases and guilty secretions , a beard of mad power that then faded at the edges into the ineffectualness of a declining constitutional monarchy .
3 You may have seen the fluorescent stars and space ships that children stick on their bedroom ceiling that then glow in the dark .
4 She waited until the door was closed and then crossed to the window of her suite , pulling the curtains aside .
5 He was a member of the teams which won in Ohio in 1987 and then tied at the Sutton Coldfield course two years later , and commented : ‘ Playing in the cup is the best thing ever .
6 Alexandra climbed carefully up the first side and then leaped from the top on to the grass below .
7 He had been hooded , his hands tied behind his back , and then shot in the head .
8 The best example of that type of person is the liberal who professes to be anti-war and anti-violence and then goes to the boxing matches or watches the football game and screams his head off .
9 And then goes to the library to get the book she wants
10 What used to happen was that rain would fall on land and permeate through the ground to the ground water levels , but urbanisation has meant more roads , houses , car parks and the water ca n't soak through , instead it goes into drains , is treated and then goes into the sea .
11 They have got to find out the rules and then fight by the rules . ’
12 And the the time involved in driving over and then wandering around the city is .
13 Her hands ceased their uncertain fluttering , dropping to her lap as she sat back and then tugging at the hem of her skirt until it was at a more modest level .
14 An average ant colony might use around 12 different types of signal , most of them conveyed by means of chemical ‘ pheromones ’ secreted on to the ground by various glands and then sniffed in the air by other ants .
15 This was , at least , an improvement on an earlier pattern , where I went into the end-game with a lead of about 30 — and then lost on the black .
16 Angelica had already decided that her money could be taken out of the petty cash and then lost in the books somewhere … and if ever they should be caught doing it , she did n't feel that it was a crime she 'd be ashamed of .
17 Foxe describes his last moments : ‘ He was brought forth to the place of execution , was there tied to the stake , and then strangled by the hangman , and afterwards with fire consumed in the morning at the town of Vilvorde , AD 1536 ; crying thus at the stake with a fervent zeal and a loud voice : ‘ Lord , open the King of England 's eyes ’ . ’
18 She walked through the Jardin Albert-1er , with its picturesque fountain and outdoor theatre , and then plunged into the network of streets , all lined with their exquisite shops .
19 As they passed the alimentari ( shut , as it might be forever ) and then plunged off the road into the shadows of the bramble-lined single track , Haverford quoted , as he had been waiting to do ever since they left Heathrow : ‘ ‘ In the middle of the journey of our life , I found myself lost in a dark wood , ’ ’ he began to translate for the benefit of the children , but they were all , including the baby , asleep now and Molly thought that for her father to pretend to be in the middle of his life was a bit of a cheek anyway .
20 If the change causes a change in the pattern of borrowing and lending , the interconnected nature of financial flows may involve the monetary sector and then changes in the money supply will occur .
21 We all met at a pre-luncheon reception and then adjourned to the dining hall to sample the culinary delights which were to space our classes for the next five days ; four classes with dancing after dinner was the order of the day , all meticulously time-tabled .
22 Dividing eqn ( 8.1 ) by and then multiplying by the square of the planet 's mass gives .
23 For a moment he glared at her , opened his mouth to deny everything , and then slumped in the chair , which creaked in protest .
24 Let's sleep , and then get to the siege camp .
25 Anyway , there are bogeymen much closer to home : true Brits who drink too much lager and then get behind the wheel of a car .
26 Because in the four days Doyle and me were following Latowa , he and Charlie only met twice — once for about thirty seconds , probably just to say hello , and then to go to the Cambridge Hotel . ’
27 My best course would have been to follow the track to the village , strike the road , and then to go along the road until I met the track by which I had come from the shore .
28 He winced at the memory as he hammered on the steel and then looked through the spy port .
29 She waited quietly , and then looked down the road .
30 Robyn looked down at the black bin-liner in her hands , looked up to where he sat , registered the determined , quietly angry expression on his face and then looked at the fountain .
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