Example sentences of "[conj] see [pron] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Male behaviour is so normative that we ordinarily think of celibacy as meaning that men are to leave women alone , rather than seeing it as a positive step women take to make a non sexually-active community together .
2 ‘ We 're looking for people with enthusiasm that see it as an exciting career and really want to do the job , ’ enthuses Mr Queen .
3 Because to see someone is to see them as a human being and to see them as a human being is to acknowledge them as such .
4 He looked at her for a moment as if seeing her for the first time then paused , giving the question serious thought .
5 The man looked at the boys as if seeing them for the first time .
6 Julius looked at her jeans and T-shirt , as if seeing them for the first time .
7 Eddie 's gaze ran on round the room , taking in , as if seeing them for the first time , the stool and easel , the framed reproduction Leonardo drawings on the walls , the low divan bed .
8 Vincent looked at him , as if seeing him for the first time .
9 She looked up at Trent , as if seeing him for the first time : ‘ I 'd have drowned if you 'd left me on the Key . ’
10 He moved round and joined them and stared intently at the portrait as if seeing it for the first time .
11 Sam looked at the revolver as if seeing it for the first time .
12 Charles found he was watching much of the play as if seeing it for the first time .
13 Now that we have looked at Wharram Percy deserted village and seen something of the 30-year long excavations there , we should look at other studies and excavations on village sites which seem to suggest the same developments implied at Wharram Percy .
14 ‘ Why not go and see him in the proper way instead of lurking around by night ? ’
15 I 'll come and see you in the mental hospital if you promise not to cause a scene .
16 But Branson , 42 , does not want the simulators sitting idle and sees them as a new money-spinner .
17 Again , he tackles , in The Conquest of Happiness , the roots of human unhappiness , and sees them in an excessive introversion , in an excessive concern with the mechanisms of one 's own mind , and proposes various ways in which people can seek to extract themselves from this introverted obsession with their own mechanisms .
18 The Initiative wants OSF to contribute to the Unix specification for ACE , and sees itself as a possible vehicle for knitting the discordant elements of the establishment together .
19 The convenors of the conference were drawn from two ideological camps in South Africa 's extra-parliamentary opposition : the Mass Democratic Movement ( MDM ) , which is ideologically aligned to the outlawed African National Congress , and the BCM , which was founded by Steve Biko and sees itself as a third force between the ANC and the banned Pan-Africanist Congress ( PAC ) .
20 Many did so think , and fear ; and saw nothing in the religious experience — or that to which it pointed — of the last decade and a half to cause them to think otherwise .
21 Schoenberg was a great admirer of Brahm 's music , and saw himself as a natural successor to the German romantic school .
22 ‘ He heard there was someone senior in the neighbourhood and saw it as a golden opportunity to pass on the responsibility . ’
23 Go and see her in a few days .
24 When you spread work like this over a very long period you are able to look into yourself , and see yourself in a great work of art .
25 Napoleon marched through it on his way to Moscow , but today the road is used by those who wish to avoid the pressures of autobahn driving and see something of the pleasant , rolling countryside of Westphalia .
26 In spite of all this , or perhaps because of it , we made an early enough start to reach Aurillac in plenty of time to buy our picnic lunch and see something of the old town .
27 In passing through Inverness , do not grudge to halt a night to visit the islands : if the night is moonlit , revisit the scene , and see it under the mellow beams .
28 Most of the major software houses have offered competitive upgrades at one time or another , and see it as a good way to gain a bigger market share .
29 Can we place the marginalisation of girls in mathematics within a broader canvas and see it as a particular case of deeply-rooted social forces which affect many other groups in society ?
30 WordPerfect have found the multi-tasking capabilities of OS/2 valuable and see it as an important platform for future development .
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