Example sentences of "[conj] go [prep] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Anyone who boards a certain ferry or walks down a certain street or enters a certain building or goes through a certain door disappears for ever into that other city . ’
2 Now , the next gig was weeks ahead at Earls Court in London and there was a choice of sailing round the Cape of Good Hope , going over the Khyber Pass or going on the Trans-Siberian Express .
3 There was one positive side for deaf people arising from the War : with so many men volunteering or going into the Armed Services , there was a desperate shortage of labour in the workplace , especially in munitions factories .
4 In theory it 's a lovely idea , a whole day just relaxing and listening to God etc , but actually Dad was rather ‘ down ’ this morning before they left — I think he was worried he 'd have more of the Virgin Mary rammed down his throat , and , quite frankly , would rather be playing golf with Mark , or going for a gentle walk with all of us .
5 Erm , it was not possible to get your views in , as it were , personnel terms rather than financial terms on that er report , but er as it were on your behalf , we supported the Treasurer 's er recommendation for reasons set out in paragraph one four , and if I can er explain that for you a little little more , de-regulation could mean , that each employing authority has it 's own scheme of superannuation , or not , and if not would simply leave employees in a position of taking them off the state scheme S E R P S or going for a personal pension .
6 you 'd be expected to , to do a lot of work by yourself , and that 's reflecting the fact that erm you 'll probably have four or five lessons in each of your three subjects , but most people would choose three subjects for A level , and that means that er , when you 're not having lessons , you 've got a lot of time that is not accountable for , you will have been , or going to a general studies period and stuff like that , but there will be a fair number of private study periods , erm , there are some people I think who , who go overboard , and you 've got such a different approach erm from er the lower sixth , people do n't use the time that they have , erm , what I 'm really saying is that if you go into the sixth form and you spend less school time in the sixth form you do n't need to be prepared
7 These include the best man losing the ring , or going to the wrong church , and the groom finding the wrong woman when he lifts the veil .
8 ‘ Part of a building ’ will include entering a building lawfully but then going into a part of the building as a trespasser , such as entering the private quarters in a public house which was entered lawfully in the first instance or going behind an unattended counter in a shop .
9 We waited on the top-floor landing for a minute or two , but there seemed no coming or going from the other flats .
10 She would come back to camp after a day off , call in at the office to see what was going on , and if we were all running around like headless chickens , snowed under with miles of paper from the teleprinter , and an irate Wing CO was tearing his hair out because the visibility had suddenly slumped from three miles to fifty yards and all his boys were up there somewhere running out of fuel , Rosemary would calmly take over the plotting while one of us rushed out to the screen to read the instruments , or go into the screaming teleprinter to shut off the insistent ear-piercing bell which was reminding everybody within hearing that we were late in sending in the hourly observation .
11 ‘ A guy can suffer an injury on the first match of a tour or go through a tough schedule without as much as a bump .
12 We s talked to Cath a minute or go about the full training record system .
13 ‘ The line of authority is the route followed — via every link in the chain — by all communications which start from or go to the ultimate authority .
14 Ask at the SNTO about packaged walking holidays — or go to the local tourist office for information on guided walks and climbs .
15 And the more they become integrated , then they would expand out , join the Scouts , the Guides or go to the local youth club , so be part of the , the er , growing up process which they have n't been afforded .
16 You know er personally attached to the grave , or go on a guided tour , and er , like you 've got to wear certain bits of clothing , you got ta be like , you got ta be properly dressed , er , you 're not allowed to eat or drink in there , there 's all these things , like , you know , really
17 There is no evidence , however , to show that it was not until 844 that Molla Yegan gave up his offices , that he did not , for example , do so some years earlier and either live in retirement in Bursa or go on an extended visit to the Hijaz lasting some years .
18 They suggested that pollution stresses combined to weaken the trees so that , when a ‘ normal ’ stress such as frost or drought came along , the tree died or went into a rapid decline , before succumbing to competition from neighbours or invasion by fungal pests or other disease organisms .
19 Or gone to a public school , ’ Edward rejoined .
20 And I found it a little strange they were suggesting that an alternative approach may be suitable here , particularly when th the evidence has n't been put forw or gone through the public consultation process .
21 It is a better strategy to create resources for industrialization to go for a rich peasant economy than to go for a middle peasant economy .
22 Would not it be far better to seek an effective non-proliferation treaty than to go for a new generation of nuclear weapons ?
23 It is easier , for example , to say ‘ Jezebel ’ than to go into a particular description of a certain sort of woman .
24 It has been much easier to give an overdraft than to go through the whole process of studying a plan for the business and coming up with longer term loan financing .
25 It does , however , show clearly that when assessing suffering it is important to have a framework that goes beyond the narrow concerns of selective or functional assessment approaches , although such approaches do have some value in distinguishing between ‘ appropriate ’ and ‘ inappropriate ’ suffering .
26 Brokers joining are charged an initial three month licence fee of £150 for each location , £60 a month that goes into a secure advertising fund , and 7p for each telephone enquiry .
27 The best way to reduce the amount of rubbish that goes into the domestic bin is not to persuade people to sort out unwanted recyclables .
28 It was impersonal , furnished to the exact specifications of any government building in the islands that goes with a civil servant of a particular grade ; the chairs and table in ‘ ant-proof ’ hardwood , lacquered a pale brown , three armchairs , one sofa , chairs and table on the verandah , a desk , two bedrooms , a couple of beds , their legs in jars of water , a shower .
29 ‘ The one that goes with the Slow Children sign at the other end of the village . ’
30 It 's difficult to describe in detail without spoiling the effect for future viewers , something that goes for the whole film .
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