Example sentences of "[conj] go [verb] [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Secrets are not confined to the great houses of antiquity : Mr Merdle in Little Dorrit has his own new secrets , and is uneasy beneath the eye of his butler in his new London palace : ‘ He would have clasped himself by the wrists in that constabulary manner of his , and have paced up and down the hearth-rug , or gone creeping about among the rich objects of furniture , if his oppressive retainer had appeared in the room at that very moment . ’
2 The problem is , as each head hits the ground it bursts into a thousand little crabs that go skittering off into the far reaches of my body .
3 Leaning forward I had a view of it in the side mirror , the bend we had just rounded obliterated by a great mass of avalanching rock and mud that went spilling down over the edge to disappear into the cloud vapour below .
4 He 's bowling with considerable pace there , did Lawrence , that wicket 's cheered him up and he was rushing in , he 's got his line right , round that off stump and plays a bit of a open face anyway , so those in the slip Gordon beware and the one that did get an edge , it flew through , both Ian Botham who 's at second and Graham Gooch , they both stand pretty close , they work on the theory that it 's better to drop them then to have them bouncing in front of you , but they could have been about five yards deeper in that , the one , that , that went flying through with the character .
5 ‘ Very good ! and oh ! up jumps the bee and goes buzzing over to the other side — to — to Max 's book , and he says to Max , bzz , bzz Mr Max , have you got any flowers for me to eat ? and Max says — ssh , can you hear him … ? ’
6 What , no , no , you 'll try and go get back across the meadow , I expect .
7 He stood up and picked up the candle and went wandering off into the shadows with it .
8 He put the journal on Alexandra 's lap and went to sit down in the chair beside hers .
9 He sought resolve and found a little and went to lie down on the bed to read a paperback of Anna Karenina , which he had always fancied because it had a scene on a railway platform .
10 There were several hundred birds and , because we had rounded a corner and surprised them , they panicked and went rushing off in a tight bunch , making an accurate count impossible .
11 He returned the tray to the orderly and went to stare out through the transparent sheeting .
12 Corbett rubbed the strap between his fingers and went to stare out of the window , half-listening to the sounds of the night outside .
13 Freed , thus , from the weight of the dragon 's will , and safely assured of being able to get home again Maggie turned her mind to her own task and went travelling down into the labyrinth of memory and desire .
14 She pushed it off , rose and went to look out of the window to see what the weather was like .
15 She stopped and went to look out of the window .
16 But he was too late : the knife tipped over the edge and went spinning off into the night .
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