Example sentences of "[conj] make a [adj] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 The dogs followed hard on their heels up the deep-treaded , creaking staircase that made a gradual ascent to the first floor .
2 There was something about this part of France that made a powerful appeal to her imagination and emotions .
3 And that made a big difference to my life .
4 Western countries should be prepared to open themselves far wider to East European countries that make a real move to democracy and free markets : let the shameful visa queues at western embassies disappear , welcome Gastarbeiter from these countries , open up to any exports deserving East Europeans are capable of selling in the West 's competitive markets .
5 We will review the charitable status of independent schools with the intention of ensuring that the benefits of charitable status are only awarded to those institutions that make a genuine contribution to the wider community .
6 Again , if you 're feeling generous , a 1985 bottle of Château Lascombes ( £24.99 ) is a powerful claret that makes a superb accompaniment to cheese .
7 Twenty years old , the Range Rover is still the only serious off-roader that makes a convincing alternative to a luxury saloon .
8 Yet more sweet scent came wafting from the generous drifts of white alyssum that softened the open areas of stone chippings in Cheshire Pink shade — a surface that makes a practical alternative to the conventional lawn and can be defined and contained by brick edging .
9 Alcoholic beverages were a fact of life when most drinking-water was a health hazard , so Dorchester 's Puritans killed several birds with one stone by taking over the demon drink themselves , to administer it with moderation and make a healthy profit to be dispensed to the needy .
10 The British Trust for Conservation Volunteers ' new Natural Break brochure includes over 450 opportunities to escape to some of the country 's most spectacular settings and make a real contribution to their survival .
11 It is cheating a bit , I fear , to think of the Basque Coast as Pyrenean , because at this end of the chain , unlike at the other , the mountains fight shy of the water and make a decisive turn to the west some miles inland , to enter Spain ; so you can see the most northerly or westerly Pyrenees easily enough from points along the coast , but you ca n't feel you are among them .
12 Packs of sprouting beans are readily available and make a refreshing addition to mixed salads .
13 Gowie is given every opportunity by his teacher and his classmates to join in with the others and make a useful contribution to the school ; but every gesture of friendship he rejects .
14 In Chlorohydra viridissima , on the other hand , the algae are never absent from the tissues of the hydras , and make a useful contribution to their well-being , providing them with oxygen .
15 Stork Embroidery Scissors are unmistakeable in their appearance and make a handsome addition to the sewing box .
16 DAVID BISHOP is set to give rugby league the boot and make a sensational return to union .
17 George was already phrasing his call to Culliman ; perhaps the request should be for Maxim to ‘ make himself available ’ to the Study group a suggestion of staying several days give the chap a chance to see Washington in the fall … and make a quick trip to St Louis and back .
18 He praises the £66 million sulphuric acid recovery plant at Billingham which , when fully operational , will eliminate waste acid disposal in the North Sea and make a significant improvement to Billingham Beck .
19 Following the simplification of dealings within the Group 's securities , it should be noted that holders of Ordinary Shares only , who wish to receive U.K. sourced dividends , must subscribe for Income Shares in Waterford Wedgwood U.K. plc and make a formal election to that effect in the ordinary way .
20 Members of hte Soemrville Souvenirs Group have continued their sterling work throughout the year and make a valuable contribution to College income .
21 With its egalitarian tradition of periodic redistribution of the land it seemed to them to provide a basis on which Russia could bypass capitalism and make a direct transition to socialism .
22 ( a ) Use any exposure in the spreading region , and make an appropriate correction to the measurement obtained .
23 Therefore we believe that during the plan period , those sites are likely to come forward and make a improved contribution to meeting our share of the Greater York employment needs .
24 There is , therefore , a wide spectrum of company life where public relations may operate and make a commercial contribution to the company 's success .
25 Although she was asleep , I whispered , I forgive you , and made a mental note to be more professional in the future .
26 But there were trees on the islands which filled with sunlight in the morning and made a pleasant contrast to the concrete and bars of so much of the Zoo .
27 He travelled a little as papal legate , and made a private visit to the United States and Latin America , but his experience of countries other than Germany' ( which he loved ) and Italy was practically non-existent .
28 I slid away , another shadow in my dark costume , and made a wide half-circle to an unoccupied area being prepared for new landing patches .
29 In New York , UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali informed Alatas that the UN was studying the report of his special envoy , Kenyan Attorney General Amos Wako , who arrived on an official visit to Indonesia on Feb. 8 and made a two-day visit to East Timor on Feb. 13-14 .
30 He defaced the typewriter keys with a file and made a special trip to Hertfordshire to drop it in a reservoir .
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