Example sentences of "[conj] make [pron] [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In particular , I was waiting for the hedgehog that made its nest at the end of our garden last autumn to come back to life .
2 The bid , made in partnership with Kohlberg Kravis Roberts ( KKR ) , the group that made its name in the leveraged buy-out binge of the 1980s , enhances the deal-making reputation of Fleet/Norstar 's chairman , Terrence Murray .
3 The procession of raised rook and chicken pies , with their intricate decorations , that made its appearance in the kitchen raised their expectations as high as the pie coffins , as did the jellies vanishing into the larders , and sorbets into the refrigerators .
4 Like heat-seeking missiles , his eyes collided with hers and on his face was an unconcealed , raw , earthy hunger that made her clutch at the pillar for support .
5 Or , rather , a lion — there was something about those gold-brown eyes and swept-back mane of hair that made her think of the King of Beasts , dressed up in the trappings of civilisation .
6 These performances directed by Kuijken have many of the qualities that made his set of the Haydn ‘ Paris ’ Symphonies , also on Virgin , so winning .
7 All of them sheep and cattle yes , even the savage beasts birds of the air and fish that make their way through the water .
8 ‘ I mean stand up slowly and make yer way to the back shop and we can all have a wee chat .
9 Play another sound effect — perhaps a door opening , keys jangling , a car moving off , a bomb exploding , or a dog barking — and it becomes difficult not to link the two sounds together and make them part of the same story .
10 Coaches should plan to arrive at junction 21 of the M1 at 1pm to 1.30 and make their way to the rendezvous point .
11 The main advantage with this system would be that players from junior clubs could get noticed by selectors and make their way up the representative ladder without having to move clubs .
12 He was very untypical of the modern world who dislike the modern world and make their dislike of the modern world perfectly evident of other people
13 Now , although no bombs ever fell in the country district where they lived , from time to time the air raid warning sirens would sound and Sylvia 's mother would take her baby and make her way to the shelter at the bottom of the garden , remaining there until she heard the ‘ all-clear ’ .
14 But the wavelength multiplied by the frequency is always equal to the velocity of light , so this decrease in wavelength has the result at the same time of increasing the frequency v. Inevitably we thereby increase the energy carried by a single photon and make its interaction with the electron correspondingly more rumbustious ( with the effect of increasing the degree of uncontrollable disturbance to its momentum ) .
15 ‘ I promise you we 'd be much better to go quietly back on to the road and make our way to the Fire Court . ’
16 We step past Calvin who doodles with a twig in the dust , and make our way towards the car .
17 Later in the day the shelling ceased so Taff and I were able to get his kit together and make our way through the village to the farm and No. 6 Commando positions .
18 Jump the gap and make your way down the steps and platforms to another ladder , pick up another crate to your left and climb down the ladder , kill the workman and run right ( out of the building ) , get on the lift and jump into the little room ( this contains a couple of records ) , get the crate and climb up the ladder to kill the last workman , get on the lift to your left and go to the top , jump onto the platform , and the next , and the next , until you reach the furthest one where there 's an extra life .
19 I keep crouched and make my way through the low bushes , heading diagonally through the wood towards the estate .
20 Saville , however , will travel from South Yorkshire today and make his debut in the derby match against Darlington at the Victoria Ground tomorrow .
21 He had reached Blakemere , which was only two miles further on , when he pondered if he should take another direction and make his way to the river , but the thought that even this far out there 'd be a number of people on the banks today , mostly youngsters , he guessed , swimming or playing the usual dangerous game of swinging out over the river on a rope attached to a tree branch , deterred him .
22 When at last he was able to throw aside his damp sheet and make his way to the window the panorama he had last seen on the day of the sepoy attack had been transformed .
23 She had not time to dress and make her way to the Casa Guidi .
24 For a minute longer father and son stood watching as the boat was rowed almost noiselessly out to sea ; and they were just about to return and make their way up the passage to the house when the sound of falling stones broke the silence of the night .
25 ‘ I have a tremendous fundamental urge to get out and make my way in the world .
26 SHORTLY AFTER 8am yesterday six elderly nuns slipped from their living quarters at the Our Lady of the Passion Monastery near Daventry , Northants , and made their way to the hen-house .
27 Corbett urged him to keep quiet and was more than relieved when they entered the narrow , winding , rutted streets of Leith and made their way to the small market square .
28 They walked along the platform and made their way to the Metropolitan Line , thus entering , though they did not know it , the oldest part of the system .
29 ‘ Come on , ’ he said and they both left Steed parked there and made their way to the twisted and bent railing that was his door to the family .
30 They turned and made their way along the platform , through the small waiting-room and so into the road to where the horse and trap waited .
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