Example sentences of "[conj] can be [verb] by [art] " in BNC.

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1 Where the company subsequently becomes aware that its figure is no longer the ‘ best estimate ’ , or can be replaced by an accurate figure , this information should be sent to the inspector without unreasonable delay .
2 It may be spontaneous or can be induced by a Mallory-Weiss tear , instrument trauma , anti-coagulant treatment , and haematologic malignancies .
3 In a series of conversations with the Frenchman Didier Eribon published by Thames and Hudson this month , Sir Ernst Gombrich , former director of the Warburg Institute and one of the most distinguished academics of our time ( yet one of the most accessible because of his belief that it should be possible to explain everything in language that can be understood by a child ) , talks about the development of his ideas , his values and the events which contributed to their formation .
4 They wo n't need to see all of your data , but choose certain items to print out or type out in a way that can be understood by the non-linguist .
5 Secondly , the proportion of SERPS that can be inherited by a spouse has been reduced to a half rather than the full amount under the original scheme ( Walker , 1986 , p. 193 ) .
6 During this time Alcock had begun the long process of memorising the night sky ; by 1932 he already knew the position of most stars that can be seen by the naked eye .
7 ASSURED SHORTHOLD TENANCIES do not give long-term tenancy rights and there is very little control over the rent levels that can be charged by a landlord .
8 The size of the groups is probably determined by the number of individuals that can be sustained by the size of the school of prey .
9 However , sophisticated pantographs based on optical measurement of the rotation of the joints can offer much better results although they still fall short of the sort of accuracies that can be obtained by the best systems .
10 Certainly there 's a very strong feeling that common sense is not something erm that can be trained by a training in political science and that it 's valuable .
11 While the maximum that can be saved by an individual aged over 16 is £20 a month , more than one SAYE account can be held by the saver — provided they are held with the same institution and are opened at least one month apart .
12 There is a growing interest in other ‘ guest ’ molecules that can be absorbed by the ‘ host ’ zeolite .
13 Second , the state provides public goods that can be consumed by the poor , even if they have not paid any taxes to finance these goods .
14 Queries that can be answered by a map can refer to either or both types of data .
15 It is tempting always to produce all the information that can be extracted by a particular statistical technique .
16 Er not to costume them you understand but simply because a cloak is something that can be worn by a man or a woman and can be worn over whatever you have on .
17 Groups can help members express their needs and feelings more safely ; but equally important is the learning and insight that can be gained by the counsellor into the feelings and behaviour of the individual .
18 One of the numerous tasks that can be tackled by the Peugeot is the moulding and welding of plastics .
19 It is [ he added , engagingly ] quite clear to me that an organisation … of this character is not something that can be handled by the ordinary … machinery or either the British Civil service or the British military machine .
20 The number of nested Boolean conditions that can be handled by an inverted file is generally less than the number a serial file can handle .
21 Obviously the size of the negative that can be overcome by a given positive decreases as κ/; κ C decreases .
22 We have therefore to consider the motives of those in charge of the decentralized units , and the control that can be exercised by the central executive .
23 As Editor STEVE WINDSOR explains , new tank syndrome is just that — a concurrence of symptoms in the new tank that can be caused by a number of different things .
24 He has concentrated on the limitations on the compensatory orders that can be sought by the S.I.B .
25 The greater the number of bits , the smaller the change in analogue input level that can be detected by the device .
26 From this we can see that the only pieces that can be affected by the commutator [ F , R ] are those which are in the overlap or are moved into the overlap by F or R .
27 The objective will be a realistic specification that can be met by a wide variety of suppliers , but the final say in the specs will be left with the service suppliers , making it highly likely that Unix System V.4 will be at the core of the specification .
28 It does not take much imagination to realise the bad impression that can be created by a person who has greasy unkempt hair , unclean or unpressed clothes , laddered stockings or tights , dirty down-at-the-heel shoes , chewed or dirty fingernails or unfortunately halitosis ( bad breath ) or body odour .
29 The fineness of the detail that can be seen on the rasterized image depends on ( i ) the size of the pixels , termed the spatial resolution of the system , and ( ii ) the number of grey-levels that can be represented by the system .
30 What limits the maximum voltage that can be achieved by the operations described in ( ii ) ?
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