Example sentences of "[conj] can [vb infin] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Late yesterday , the two companies were due to announce Windows Telephony , which aims to make it easier for software applications that can link to a wide range of telephone equipment , from PABXes to cellular telephone exchanges .
2 One possibility is to make a short section of DNA or RNA that can bind to a particular region of viral genetic material to form a double-stranded complex , just like the familiar double helix of cellular DNA .
3 ‘ We 've got expensive computer systems and expensive professionals on board that can cope with a large chain of shops .
4 Geographical Information Systems that can run on a personal computer are now becoming available ; examples are SPANS and PC-ARC/INFO .
5 Watchd is composed of distributed algorithms that can run on a single machine or a network of machines .
6 Now also , knowing that there 's only just over five hundred or just six hundred members of the Liberal Democrats , in the eight constituencies that comprise our Euro constituency , there will be many benefits that can come off a Euro campaign in terms of membership , in terms of helpers , in in terms of morale and generally raising our profile , just through press contacts and things like that .
7 Like the other parties , it knows full well that extremism is the worst thing that can happen to a good cause .
8 That is the worst thing that can happen to a human being .
9 On the back of the video cases are detailed typewritten performance descriptions that can read like a Chinese restaurant menu .
10 Assuming the no-arbitrage condition is correct in the absence of transactions costs , these transactions costs set upper and lower bounds on the departures from this condition that can occur in a competitive market .
11 Primitive , limited creatures that can survive on a small repertoire of set-behaviour schemata do not play in infancy .
12 It is my experience that many students of English Literature with good A-level results dislike poetry , or at least feel baffled by it , and can go through a three-year degree course without this attitude being radically changed .
13 Luckily , the Oase pump is ‘ pokey ’ and can cope with a considerable head without appreciable loss of flow rate .
14 She ‘ would prefer to think of different languages as having the potential to exploit differing degrees of subjectivity ’ but she does not think there is ‘ any neutral ontology or world view which is objective and can serve as a universal yardstick .
15 The Trailer is ‘ bookable ’ and can travel within a 100 mile radius of Uppingham .
16 When you click on it you get a pop out menu of four icons and can choose between a solid colour , a hatched pattern , a gradient fill or a bitmap .
17 They are extremely economic and can run as a single generator , providing heat , hot water and electricity , or as part of a district heating system where a network of houses or commercial buildings are linked up .
18 Resource charts show money , manhours , mandays , manweeks , percentage reference as the vertical scale and can focus on a single assignment , project or the entire plan to form a cost-schedule graph .
19 Walking makes you slim , builds cardiovascular fitness , and can develop into a long term habit that you can use for the rest of your life .
20 1 — in west half of room , stunned , unable to move or attack or cast spells for D4 rounds , but can parry with a -20 penalty .
21 It was just about as bad an accident as can happen to a nuclear-power station — an explosion and a fire that scattered fissile fuel all over the site and sent radioactive smoke and dust across thousands of square miles .
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