Example sentences of "[conj] would [verb] in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 What I done on that night was no more than any other police officer does or would do in the same situation .
2 The introduction of governments that tax goods and incomes in various ways is of course one of the major ‘ imperfections ’ , and economic theory is concerned to show what kinds of tax would interfere least with allocations that would arise in a free market .
3 A sudden sickness and fatigue swamped her , and she felt incapable of facing the long , painful inquest that would start in a few minutes — incapable of sustaining any longer the intolerable labour of love .
4 Will he contrast that excellent achievement under Conservative trade union law with the undoubted industrial chaos that would result in the unlikely event of the Labour party 's returning to government ?
5 Sounds as if the guy is suffering from Hemingway Syndrome : ‘ computers may see their silicon lives flash before their eyes , so to speak , just before they die , ’ Prodigy Services Co suggests , reporting that physicist Stephen Thaler of McDonnell Douglas Corp has been playing with neural networks as a way to speed diamond crystal growth but while by day , he created and trained the neural nets , by night , he began annihilating them to see what would happen , randomly severing links , and when between 10% and 60% of the links were destroyed , the network regurgitated nonsense , but as it approached death , 90% of the connections severed , it generated distinct values that had been trained into it , and at times even output ‘ whimsical ’ states , where it would generate values that were neither trained nor ones that would appear in a healthy net , says Thaler , who thinks it may say something about near-death experiences for humans — ‘ It may not just be fancy biochemistry , ’ he suggests .
6 The owners ' research problem was to get a light that would function in the methane-rich atmosphere of the ‘ crept ’ workings .
7 He devised a cheap lamp that would burn in the methane-rich atmosphere of the crept workings without instantly exploding .
8 Even extremists of the 1960s , who believed that the task of a school was to ensure that children enjoyed themselves while they were pupils , must have had in mind , as well , some further outcome , some advantage that would flow in the long run to the children who had been encouraged , under that regime , to ‘ grow ’ and ‘ blossom ’ and ‘ flourish ’ in the ‘ learning situation ’ provided by the class-room .
9 His brief , in short , was the owners ' brief — to build a lamp that would work in the methane-rich atmospheres that existed in crept workings .
10 Jovellanos say in a House of Lords the only wall that could stem the tide towards democracy that would run in a single chamber .
11 The answers to these questions are discovered from the diagram ( given certain simple diagrammatic transformations carried out by the system , which are structurally analogous to changes that would happen in the real world ) , rather than being computed in terms of abstract mathematical equations and specific numerical values .
12 At the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944 the Allies came together in an attempt to design an international monetary system that would operate in the post-war period .
13 Non-compliance with the licence conditions is a criminal offence and would result in a fine not exceeding £1000 on summary conviction , or on conviction on indictment to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years , or a fine or both .
14 He told his brother that he was close to death and would die in a few days .
15 Over the following days , however , I came to learn not to be surprised by such remarks from my employer , and would smile in the correct manner whenever I detected the bantering tone in his voice .
16 The units comprised tanks and mechanized infantry , and would participate in a joint exercise in accordance with the defence agreement signed by the USA and Kuwait in September 1991 .
17 The central bank 's annual report , released in February 1991 , showed that GDP had grown by 2.3 per cent in 1990 , but would slow in the 12 months to end-June 1991 as a result of an increase in oil prices and the loss of remittances from Iraq caused by the Gulf war .
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