Example sentences of "[conj] if [pron] have be [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 So things like erm service from another superannuation scheme or if somebody 's been paying you know extra contributions to actually boost your pension lump sum , that is actually reckonable service .
2 I try to work out if she 's got a period due or if she 's been having trouble with her mother .
3 I 'm firmly convinced that if we had been operating under the old style of management , making a consensus decision , the clinicians would have got to their clinical representative and said there 's no way we want that — we want everything twice as big and gold-plated taps because patients will die , etc. , and their rep would say , " I 'm sorry but it 's completely unacceptable to my colleagues ' .
4 I think that if we 'd been looking for some rather more er refined instruments of taxation , I nearly said torture , er from the continent then we might have looked er and found some rather better means of getting local money in to finance local government .
5 I will I would say that if you had been speaking to me on the phone , and this is not a criticism of John it 's just a an observation , you would n't be here .
6 Now you can work out for yourselves that if you 'd been betting a pound on each of those horses you 'd have finished up substantially down .
7 He felt that if he 'd been wearing a gun , this man would have known .
8 Why ca nt they realise for a second that if he had been playing , maybe they would have won all 6 matches and pissed on all of the sides ?
9 By searching for flashes repeating at exactly the same rate as the radio pulses , they were able to investigate much fainter pulsations than if they had been looking for pulses occurring at an unknown rate .
10 My daughter thought no more of it than if she had been talking about the delivery of a letter because in her world the fax , like the video recorder , the personal computer and the microwave oven , has always been around .
11 It was nearly a year since Dunkirk , and if they 'd been going to come , surely they 'd not have waited this long .
12 She 'd automatically assumed that it was from Ryan , only of course it was n't , and if she had been thinking rationally before she would have known it could n't possibly have been from him .
13 Rachel 's heart skipped a beat at her first sight of him and if she had been trying to delude herself that David had asked her along purely for the sake of her new friends she was forced to dismiss it as his gaze met hers .
14 Sometimes I enjoy it , it depends what mood I 'm in , and if she 's been playing up .
15 The experts say that for a woman over about 40 , SERPS is definitely going to be better , and if she has been paying into a contracted out PP scheme up to that time , she should change over then .
16 There was a time when Charles was coasting at school and if I had been working , I would have told him to buckle down — which would have done no good at all .
17 I 'd been paying tax and national insurance for 12 years before I found myself having to make a claim and if I 'd been putting the money in a building society I 'd have had a lot more than I eventually got out of them . ’
18 and er they used to come to me and say how much does this man owe now and if he 'd been paying quite a bit next time he came in the shop they was all round him trying to persuade him to buy
19 And if he had been unconfiding , then so had she .
20 And if he 's been travelling for ten hours , how far 's he gone ?
21 And if you 've been watching BBC 's Masterchef series , the winning recipes are also in Good Food , on sale August 8 .
22 At last the Barracks loomed into sight , and if anyone had been peeping from the window at that unsociable hour , they might have been hard put to distinguish which was the boy and which the shadow .
23 Well as long as you do n't mind the high mileage cars but if they 've been going up and down the motorway all the time
24 But if you 'd been playing about with your sister 's husband you might feel inhibited .
25 You will have lost your latest changes to the document , but if you have been saving your documents regularly , as you should , this should not be too much of a problem .
26 Well we 've talked football , we 've talked speedway , we 're now going to talk rugby , because if you 've been following the exploits of the Bicester Rugby Club , you 'll know they got through to the semi-finals of a big national competition , and they play that semi-final this coming Saturday .
27 And that was the only part I did n't care for , because if I 'd been arriving at a lot of conclusions that were wrong , then I could be wrong about this too .
28 ‘ Did you want me , Myra ? ’ she asked as calmly as if they had been discussing the weather and not within an ace of making either love or war .
29 They were talking rationally now , as adults , just as she had asked , but underneath the façade of civilised behaviour her heart was still doing funny things , and the electricity between them was as powerful as if they had been making love .
30 It looked at first as if she had been drinking blood .
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