Example sentences of "[conj] if [pron] [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 but where if they sold little packets of sweets
2 And er there 's another little room above there where if you move those boards there , that is a kind of trap-door .
3 And every proof or dis-proof can be readily evaded , if one questions the truth of its premisses , or the validity of its type of inference , or if one finds new senses in which its terms may be used .
4 For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus , whom we have not preached , or if ye receive another spirit , which ye have not received , or another gospel , which ye have not accepted , ye might well bear with him .
5 Indeed , one of the researchers ' most important tasks is to ascertain for my benefit what kind of conversation we 'll be likely to have — whether the guest talks nineteen to the dozen , in which case I 'll need to prepare lots of questions , or if they take ten minutes to say ‘ Good evening ’ — in which case I 'll start praying .
6 It asked the troops whether they had ever been linked to a group who aimed to overthrow the authority of the State , or if they had any family members , friends or associates connected with such organisations .
7 Similar questions were asked about involvement in narcotics or whether they had any criminal record , or if they had any reason to suspect they could become vulnerable to coercion or blackmail .
8 It need not be if the authorities do not acknowledge a responsibility for control of inflation or if they believe that exchange rates ( just like changes in wage rates , or indirect taxes ) do not influence inflation but rather have their effect on relative prices .
9 Or if we want this world , we get it . ’
10 When you act for a buyer , always go through the answers you receive to your preliminary enquiries , search and additional enquiries made of the local authority , marking each of these with a tick if it is satisfactory , or with a cross if it is not , or if it requires further elucidation .
11 The rule in Adam v Ward offers consolation to victims of attacks made under the " coward 's cloak " of Parliamentary privilege : they may reply in kind , through newspapers which will only be liable for the defamatory content of their reply if it is irrelevant to the subject-matter of the attack , or if it defames other persons who bear no responsibility for the attack .
12 In a case like this it is often a matter of assessing quickly ‘ Am I sure that I can reach the field , or if I get more sink will I fail to get there ? ’
13 I lay there with absolutely no idea what I would be doing the following day or if I stood any chance of being selected by the Legion .
14 It is important , however , that only one questionnaire is complete for each unit , so if there are other members of the Association working with you , or if you receive another copy via another source , such as BHA 's Voice magazine , please agree amongst yourselves and submit only one questionnaire between you .
15 It is not naive to argue that politicians , or if you prefer some politicians , have commitments to ideals .
16 This might happen if you give money away to members of your family or if you buy expensive items in order to reduce your savings .
17 If you are looking after ageing relatives , or if you have young children , looking after an adult disabled dependant as well can add a heavy burden to an already crowded day .
18 There are thought to be risks of developing cancer of the breast or lining of the womb as a result of HRT , and it is not recommended if there is a family history of heart disease , breast or womb cancer , or if you have high blood pressure , blood clotting problems , a heart disorder or gall bladder disease .
19 If they do n't act on your request , or if you have any problems , the ASA will investigate your complaints .
20 Or if you have any queries , please ring us at Barnsley ( 0226 ) 730495 ) .
21 So next time you see something wrong on the road , or in your street or if you have any traffic , roads or lighting enquiries , you know what to do .
22 If you have a story or issue you would like to see covered or if you have any enquiries about the programme please write to :
23 For the up-to-minute mortgage information or if you have any enquiries about how to buy your home and require general advice , telephone Which Mortgage information service on 071 833 5566 .
24 Or if you have three works which are performed live in PRS-licensed premises at least twelve times over the course of two years , you can also become a member of the society .
25 If the Minister had bothered to listen to the submissions made to him or if he cared one iota for the industry , he would know that the figures come from the farmers .
26 If the former partner has a change in housing costs , or in earnings , or if he has more children , then his maintenance bill will be varied .
27 It may be necessary to enquire how far her lust was excited , or if she experienced any enjoyment .
28 It is unreasonable to expect them to tackle problems through their consultants , although if they had independent supervisors this might be possible .
29 You can use either an emulsion paint or an oil-based paint with the stencil , although if you make any mistakes with the emulsion it should be easy to wash it off and start again .
30 The magic solution has lost its power — although if you want another performance just re-heat and re-cool the beaker … to be supersaturated means to have more dissolved than there ought to be … the cold supersaturated solution almost literally did not know what to do .
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