Example sentences of "[conj] their [noun] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Somerset commoners succeeded in fighting off most attempts at drainage where their contemporaries in the eastern counties had failed .
2 But the role of the TCR genes or their products in the earlier DN to DP transition is uncertain .
3 These should include an indication of how the participants of the consensus group were selected and whether their conclusions were based on their original research or their interpretation of the available literature .
4 With Shearer in this form , it will be a brave man who bets against Rovers in either this competition or their bid for the Premier League title .
5 It is not our intention here to debate the merits of these models , or their relation to the General Theory .
6 It is often viewed as attractive because the base is that which individuals consume ( or their revenue from the economic system ) rather than a reflection of what they contribute , i.e. income .
7 Yet sentence linguists would regard these features as unimportant : their objective being to analyse the rules of the English language , not the actual meanings which A and B are trying to convey in this particular situation , nor their departures from the standard form of the language .
8 The Commission reported that their visits to the inner and outer areas of the main conurbations convinced them that it is now the large housing estates in the inner ring , or on the fringes of the city , that present the most pressing urban problems in the mid-1980s .
9 EUROPEAN Community leaders will move quickly this week to reassure the Soviet Union that their support for the future ‘ unity ’ of the German people at the weekend EC summit is conditional on the maintenance of peace and stability in Europe .
10 It did not matter whether they had been far-sighted landowners , former artisans or merchants in feudal society ; what is crucial for Marxists is the belief that their ownership of the new and increasingly predominant mode of production led them to have common interests and goals .
11 Small entrepreneurs in Japan hold tenaciously to the ideals of self-help and dedication to the work ethic , but it is not at all clear that their presence in the small firm sector is entirely based on free choice .
12 For very form 's sake , and because , after all , Stair was his brother , he had stayed with the party through one act of a musical comedy at the Gaiety Theatre where they had made so much noise that their departure at the first interval must have pleased the audience which they had left behind , had gone to Quaggers — Quaglino 's — to dine — which meant drink — in a private room , and were now on their way to crown their evening 's pleasure by ‘ Pushing the boat out for Havvie ’ , Stair 's witticism .
13 Funds under management at Scotland 's nine life offices rose 16 per cent to £71.7 billion and SFE estimates that their share of the long-term life assurance and pensions market in the UK as a whole is currently in excess of 20 per cent and as high as 25 per cent in the pensions sector .
14 Their crushing electoral defeat of 1983 in conjunction with the realisation that their share of the popular vote has been in steady decline since 1951 has , however , forced a reassessment .
15 Cardinal Basis Hume told SVP members that their work with the old , sick , bereaved , lonely and the poor was at the centre of the mission of the church ; by showing the face of Christ to those with needs , they were bringing Gospel values to the community .
16 Since evidence suggests that humans also possess binocular cortical neurones and that their connections with the left and right eyes are susceptible to modification , as with the cat and monkey ( Aslin and Banks , 1978 ) , it is not difficult to see the possible extrapolation from the cellular to the hemispheric level ( see also Kinsbourne , 1975b ) .
17 As for the other four schools , the absence of a clear commitment does not mean that proposals were exclusively concentrated on a narrow aspect of the curriculum , but rather that their concern for the whole curriculum was either implied or assumed .
18 The experts have only to accept that the joint sessions also used groups of models kitted-out for each occasion by Rembrandt from his well stocked theatrical wardrobe and used them for painting as well as for drawing , to come to realize that their efforts over the last seventy years have been largely misdirected .
19 Greig was gracious in defeat , saying that their play on the first day deserved every credit .
20 It may be that their meeting with the new people hastens change , but it is perceptible almost from the beginning .
21 Teachers are asked to ensure that their entries for the new class lists are brought up to date by the end of July .
22 Their existence , like that of other nationalist splinter groups , was vital to the continuance of a Labour government , and private negotiations with them ( amongst whom was now numbered Enoch Powell ) ensured that their numbers in the new House of Commons would be raised from 12 to 18 .
23 Nor could those people know that after the combat generals had moved further East into Russia that their authority over the civilian population would fall to the hands of Erich Koch , drafted to Kiev to head the Reichskommissariat .
24 But in such a modern industrialized state it was not long before many groups realized that their role in the social and economic system made their co-operation and support essential to the Communist Party .
25 The players who have strolled through our consciousness these past 10 years are mostly with us yet , but whatever they do in the Nineties will not resound in the way that their achievements of the Eighties did .
26 If there 's a positive relationship okay I d I mean that was just recapping something I said before so if you got it you 've probably got it down twice now Okay , if you knew that there was a positive relationship between two variables and we said that their score on one of the variables was high then we would expect , although not necessarily , because w it 's not true in every case but it i there 's a general trend , we would expect that their score on the other variable would also be high .
27 During the first pilot year , however , there was a sense amongst the ‘ traditional ’ class that their colleagues in the new pathway were taking an extraordinary gamble with their medical education .
28 They are conscious that their strength with the Prime Minister and chances of promotion bear some relation to their performance in the House and to their popularity in the parliamentary party .
29 The main point here is that not only did the Labour leaders reject the left 's version of the social contract with its new emphasis on a radical industrial policy , but also they increasingly came to question even the Crosland/Fabian/ ‘ Keynesian ’ version of socialism , so that their politics in the latter half of the 1970s became more and more of a mere holding operation — mere ‘ government ’ lacking any social purpose with a broad popular appeal .
30 The two main protagonists , Hedley Bull and Morton Kaplan , shared a more similar view of the international political system than their location on the two opposing sides of the debate would suggest .
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