Example sentences of "[conj] we went [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 There were around 80 boys from my school and we went straight to the mountains and settled into our base camp .
2 Yeah , yeah was kind , it was kind of them , yes and we went all round the shops and er I thoroughly enjoyed it and in the new Co-Op as well you know , I thoroughly enjoyed it but he took me in the car so that we did n't have to hang about you see
3 And we went all round the bed and we went all round outside , we went all through the back smelt outside Jane 's door in case she 'd she were on fire could n't find nothing , sat down and read , he said it 's cos the telly 's on and I expect it 's damp and it 's you know
4 In nineteen hundred and twelve the Dutch came and the Oxford Motor Club entertained them and we went all round the High Wycome area , Cophill and that on hill climbs , so we re-enacted it last year and I was riding my nineteen fourteen motorcycle , and I was asked — I was the oldest rider — how old are you ? — I said eighty years old — and what is your biggest difficulty ? — and I said getting my leg over , which I really literally meant because the saddle 's very high and I do have a job getting my leg over the saddle !
5 And we went there for the Christmas one did n't we ?
6 If you work on a seven point five figure , then you get up to twenty seven thousand four hundred and twenty seven hours , erm , before next year , erm , That would leave us with a difficulty I think , because if I were , if we went ahead with the idea of recruiting two people now er we would need to get rid of four of them by , oh four people all together , erm , by er the next financial year , which clearly is not terribly sensible .
7 I lived in the Department of Sonsonate but we went all over the place looking for work .
8 We were to have an even closer encounter with a bear before we left Edgeøya , when we went ashore at the south end of the island at Andre/1e Tangen .
9 really cos there 's such a cross section of conversation going on , it 's really funny there 's this bit in the car when we went outside with the mike and on a at Claire 's party and er erm like there 's me talking to Claire really loudly like across the car and Frank talking to Nigel across the front and he speakers were up here and there 's just a whaaaaaaa this massive rabble going on .
10 As we went away to the sounds of Mrs Otto 's profuse good-byes , I reflected on the nature of the relationship between her and Otto , almost the opposite to what one might have expected : the gallant captain going off to sea where his authority was absolute and his orders brooked no delay , and returning to a wife whom he clearly adored but where the roles were reversed .
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