Example sentences of "[conj] we go [adv prt] into [art] " in BNC.

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1 I pulled up in a gateway , Sam jumped out and we went through into a field ; and as the beagle scampered over the glittering turf I stood in the warm sunshine amid the melting frost and looked back at the dark damp blanket which blotted out the low country but left this jewelled world above it .
2 She snatched Buster from his play and we went back into the house where she held him close to her face , laughing as the big cat purred and arched himself ecstatically against her cheek .
3 My the boss said a few things under his breath , came down the steps and we went back into the van .
4 Some of the boys followed and we went down into the basement and I turned the phonograph on as loud as it would play .
5 And er we could all get it wrong , and we could be in the E R M , i if we go back into the E R M then er you know if they stabilize interest rates across Europe er then we could be okay .
6 But before we went down into the
7 When we go out into the freezing temperatures tonight , we know that we should be doing something .
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