Example sentences of "[conj] we [vb mod] [be] [v-ing] that " in BNC.

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1 We always had busloads of Glen Miller fans turning up , because the name ‘ The Dance Kings ’ kinda denoted that we would be playing that kind of music .
2 In marketing terms it 's a tremendous card to play erm our marketing line in the States was always ‘ we speak your language , a common heritage , a common culture erm almost a common language ’ and erm the special relationship really exits at a time like this to a very marked degree , and we shall be playing that for all it 's worth , certainly .
3 And we will be doing that .
4 As Hugh , Hugh is indicating that th that we have got a degree of expertise and we should be offering that expertise to clients .
5 The ideal stage will be where we 'll keep the combination of mathematics and intuition in designing the string , but we 'll be duplicating that design digitally in production .
6 ‘ There will have to be reorientation courses as people change jobs , but we should be doing that now anyway .
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