Example sentences of "[conj] we [verb] [pers pn] [prep] [num] " in BNC.

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1 Once we made it in four hours , door to beach to door : bury Mum 's feet in the sand , forget they 're there , plunge spade into sand and come close to severing three toes .
2 Yeah , because it should of been fifteen pounds a night and we got it for ten
3 And we get it in two or three places , the toilets are , are the key one .
4 We er emphasised to him the impact this would have on Oxfordshire 's er spending requirements and er the hope that the er spending that we get , and we get it in two ways ; one is through , called the standard spending grant , that is a general grant that was given to authorities to spend as they wish , and the other is a specific grants which are given for particular purposes , and some of them cover the legislation that I have mentioned , which we are required to spend specifically on the items for which they 're given .
5 But Hampshire are top of the table and we outplayed them for two days . ’
6 And we increase it by ten perc Well let's say we increase it by It 's not out money is it , so let's really spend it and increase it by fifty percent every year .
7 And the same thing , that if a major client like the Health and Safety Executive said to me , Ricky we 're running a regional training week in the last week of November , and we want you for three days , you know , I , I do n't say to them well look you know , well two of those days are catch up days , I ca n't possibly do it , why do n't you move your whole regional training week to next week ?
8 The target was demonstrably stronger than the signal from the 24-cm calibration sphere , and we tracked it for 68 seconds , in which time it seemed to dive from 69 m to 114 m ( a speed of0–8 m/s or just under 3 km/h ) .
9 The distance was eleven miles and we did it in two hours .
10 Cos we had it on one
11 Well if we get them into threes
12 So we 're just adding the conductances again , and if we did it with three of , we had sort of three pipes
13 Yeah , I go to Mrs , erm can we fish , sharing lists I ga , you know , I think it 'll be easier if we did it in twos , and Becky goes why ?
14 Still if we move them on fifty five quid I reckon nice set that 'll tempt somebody .
15 A pink milk pudding or blancmange is simple in the sense that , if we slice it in two , the two portions will have the same internal constitution : a blancmange is homogeneous .
16 Right so if we pay you by five yearly value in three months , and invest for initially life cover of twenty thousand , and that 's O K for now .
17 Well no no but I mean , if we limit it to two for the first day , and a I mean I shall know by eleven o'clock
18 How we stumbled on this was that when we grew some of these algae at Plymouth with our colleagues there , we found that when we grew them at one temperature then these two molecules were present in a certain ratio but when we changed the water temperature then the er ratio changed .
19 So the council were faced were having to take a legal action because there was a whole claims that because the land was so old , nobody knew who technically owned it and it was n't registered as we owning it until nineteen sixty six , there was legal disputes about that .
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