Example sentences of "[conj] she went down [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Well this morning I were listening to er Roy Normal on the , the Welsh radio programmes and he was talking to er various people and he told one young woman who had been in a certain area in world where they were filming , er and she 'd gone to see this filming with Alan Ladd and all these , you know , and anyway she goes she went into the er local chip shop and the er assistant for the film , the labourer came in and ordered , ordered forty packet of chips and er and he was saying oh it were for film you see , so she thought I 'd go down and see what 's happening , so she went down to the pier end and they were all er doing the performance and er , the producer says now all you people there , he says that 's interested , he said would you all go onto the pier , he says and talk he says and read , make it , you know make it interesting , so they all piled onto the pier and er , they filmed what they had to film with the pier in the background and all the people that were on the pier , so this girl was on the film you know , then after it had finished , he thanked everybody , he says now then do n't walk off the pier , he says will you as you 're going off walk past this , the table at the end there and their bloke give them three pound ten a piece
2 He gave her a quick nod of approval and she went down to the end of the shop and began filling in the certificates , taking her information from the records Mr Miller had already made .
3 It was like a drug , like the swell of the ocean , and she went down under the waves .
4 She was not particularly hungry , but she went down to the hotel 's dining-room around eight that evening , then returned to her room to spend a fitful night .
5 When she went down to the kitchen eight mugs on the draining-board said that someone had washed up ; she was the last .
6 When she went down to the sitting-room to pour tea for her mother , the latter was in one of her most waspish moods .
7 I thought I was falling in love with him ! she told herself as she went down to the dining-room .
8 Dawn was just breaking as she went down to the burn to fetch water .
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