Example sentences of "[conj] they had [adv] [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless five men , who had been imprisoned because they deliberately and flagrantly disobeyed the orders of the NIRC , and so imperilled the rule of law and ‘ our whole way of life ’ , were released although they had not asked to be released and had made clear that they had no intention of apologizing to the court for their behaviour or of desisting from that behaviour .
2 The firms will be liable for poor work and other breaches of professional standards and requirements , unless they can prove that they had not contributed to the misconduct which was wholly attributable to some other individual ( including partners , employees or non-members ) .
3 By the end of the day , many of them said that they had not talked to so many people since the last Newbury Rally !
4 This meant that they had often moved to their present jobs away from their previous connections of kin and friends .
5 It was odd enough to see that rather feminine room crammed full with so many stern , dark-jacketed gentlemen , sometimes sitting three or four abreast upon a sofa ; but such was the determination on the part of some persons to maintain the appearance that this was nothing more than a social event that they had actually gone to the lengths of having journals and newspapers open on their knees .
6 They had all come to her , one by one , during the evening , an evening harried with telephone calls — ‘ I do n't think , ’ Anna had said at one point , ‘ that we have eaten an uninterrupted meal in twenty-one years ’ — and they had all explained to her how awful they felt , and how guilty they felt about feeling awful , because it was n't anybody 's fault , and that made it worse , having nobody to blame .
7 Why he felt as if they had just agreed to an illicit liaison he did not know , unless it was the air of sexual invitation this woman wore as other women wore perfume , the practised composition of glance and gesture that she used to imply everything whilst proposing nothing .
8 Scarlet had found it all very puzzling and upsetting : she could n't envisage herself telephoning her first husband 's second wife to complain about her child — even if they had n't gone to Australia .
9 During continuing negotiations with mediating union officials , the government threatened on Aug. 26 to dismiss strikers if they had not returned to work by 8 am on Aug. 28 .
10 During continuing negotiations with mediating union officials , the government threatened on Aug. 26 to dismiss strikers if they had not returned to work by 8 am on Aug. 28 .
11 Third parties would be bound by the regime and would also be entitled to invoke its provisions and to exercise any conferred right , provided they had expressly consented to it , or their consent could be implied through acquiescence .
12 But by the time I 'd got to the summer term the things that had failed had failed and I knew why , and I was n't feeling too inclined to change them particularly at the time because they had n't failed to the point where the class was in chaos .
13 I realized he could not catch them , because they had nearly got to the ship , but I did not wait to see the end of that adventure .
14 Pat also went to see Gildas and Ludens , both of whom were feeling guilty because they had not offered to ‘ put him up ’ .
15 Not in front of the children but later , when they had all gone to bed and to sleep .
16 The most recent sequence of excavations has established that there was limited pre-Roman occupation of the site , in the form of a round house , which may have been associated with areas of ploughed fields , found below Roman levels in Annetwell Street , even though they had apparently reverted to pasture immediately before the arrival of the Romans .
17 After several such pairings , the dogs learned to salivate to the music just as they had previously salivated to the food .
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