Example sentences of "[conj] they have been [v-ing] [art] " in BNC.

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1 As the boats began to leave the mouth of the River Tees , where they had been barring the way to Teesport , they claimed their eight-hour show of strength had been a success .
2 Up to 400 Cuban military advisers are reported to be at fortified bases in northern Panama , where they have been training the the militia of the Dignity Battalions , the Washington Times said yesterday .
3 Reading it , the British discovered that they had been speaking the imperial equivalent of prose all their lives .
4 She subsequently discovered that they had been having an affair for several months .
5 Most of the ‘ masters ’ of torture said that they had been fighting a desperate unseen war , whose atmosphere could not be imagined by people from democracies .
6 Protected from prosecution by an amnesty law of 1978 , the military opposed any such investigation but their claim that they had been fighting a war against left-wing subversion became increasingly untenable with the discovery of mass graves containing the bodies of their political opponents and the disclosure of how they had indulged in corrupt financial practices while in power , including the payment of US$3,000,000 to Pinochet 's son [ see pp. 37528-29 ; 37852-53 ; 37958 ] .
7 After hearing that they had been attending a high school graduation party , they were released by the judge on the condition that they were each driven to their parents ' home exactly as they appeared in court — with only a blanket for
8 He says that they have been using the shaft for dumping substances .
9 ‘ We lease the land out to the forestry people , and they 've been doing a helicopter survey . ’
10 If they 've been changing the pipes or digging them up or something they often flush it through with a load of chlorine , the water of or b Boil it erm As water get 's hotter , and something like sugar , would you get would you find , Let's say you get a cup of cold water and you try and dissolve as much sugar as you can in it , and then you try hot water , try disolv
11 It looked as if they 'd been having a party and had just taken off in the middle of it .
12 ‘ Did you want me , Myra ? ’ she asked as calmly as if they had been discussing the weather and not within an ace of making either love or war .
13 Students who are entitled to transitional relief will receive ⅕ of the relief they would have received if they had been paying the full community charge .
14 In Arequipa I had watched women in the church of Santo Domingo giggle happily as they dressed the Virgin for a procession ; , behaving much as if they had been preparing a girl for a wedding , not a poor girl though , rather one Velasquez might be called upon to paint .
15 Almost as if they had been awaiting the signal of an extra moon , they now took their prancings into a more intense phase .
16 If they have been taking a prescribed drug this is likely to have been methadone , and if the daily dose can be established this can be prescribed .
17 Women are particularly vulnerable to diseases such as arthritis , osteoporosis ( brittle-bone disease ) and heart attacks in their middle years if they have been leading a sedentary life , sitting slumped in front of the television , losing muscle tone and even bone mass .
18 Well they are anyway cos they 've been doing the test at eleven !
19 Protagonists in the optical disc industry may have overlooked the fact that while they have been arguing the merits of their various platforms , hard disc storage has been growing ever larger .
20 Whilst they had been watching the protesters , a waitress had come out of The Crossed Keys hotel on the corner of the square carrying a tray of interesting-looking glasses .
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