Example sentences of "[conj] they [vb past] in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The US duo arrived in Spain on a private jet from North Carolina , where they played in the US Tour Championship on Sunday , and both have to be back in the States next Monday .
2 But seaweed and stones lodged in the uprooted bushes that littered the low hills and meadows ; beehives were found where they rolled in the bed of a stream ; fish lay silver in farmyards , and drowned sheep on the shore .
3 Bourgeois society took for granted the sanctity of property , the supremacy of the market as a social regulator , the propriety of individual self-improvement and self-advancement , the abandonment of the traditional and irrational where they stood in the way of utility , and a belief in progress .
4 Earlier , at a London news conference , Mr Ashdown challenged Mr Kinnock and Mr Major to make clear where they stood in the event of a hung parliament .
5 The bodies of 6 ewes and a ram were piled onto a tractor trailer near where they drowned in the Stretford Brook .
6 4 subjects failed to attend for assessment at 4 weeks although they remained in the study .
7 Does my right hon. Friend agree that general practitioners , whether fund-holders or not , as a result of the new contract — which initially was often bitterly opposed — are now giving patients a much better service than they had in the past ?
8 He had done better than they had in the sense that he had claimed the crown of France and , by treaty , had come close to exercising its authority .
9 Chivers , providing dynamic leadership as Derry get ready for their most important match since last year 's Ulster decider , is adamant that the side can play much , much better than they did in the McKenna climax .
10 If the price of gold continues to rise over the coming months , bankers will have even more reason to sell than they did in the past .
11 The main reason for many Opposition Members feeling more warmly towards the European Community now than they did in the past is the record of the Community in the past few years and the contrast between what has happened elsewhere in the Community and what we have seen take place in Britain .
12 In the study , about one-quarter of the children performed markedly less well in the class test than they did in the interview .
13 But does n't every band from that area maintain that they met in the Hacienda ?
14 It was only when Dexter parked the car back at the Yard that they noticed in the paintwork of the boot two long , deep scratches .
15 ‘ Tell them that they waited in the dark for us ? ’
16 She stood shaking , setting the flaming tresses about her quivering so that they rippled in the shafts of light broken by the barrier of trees .
17 Somewhere in this range , too , are those coincidences that give us an eerie spine-tingling feeling , like dreaming of a particular person for the first time in decades , then waking up to find that they died in the night .
18 Many of us will remember their enthusiasm for the work of the Lord and the joy that they had in the fact that God should use them in such a way .
19 From here he could see the crowded harbour quarter , the rooftops so close together that they welded in the heat haze into one whole .
20 In some towns , party rivalries during Anne 's reign become so intense that they resulted in the setting-up of rival Whig and Tory corporations , as was the case for example at Brackley , Buckingham , Camelford , Marlborough and Portsmouth .
21 It is thought that they developed in the oceans , possibly as a result of chance combinations of atoms into large structures , called macromolecules , which were capable of assembling other atoms in the ocean into similar structures .
22 Then in the 18th century , either the choir was awful or the weather was awful , er nobody 's too sure which , but they then settled for just seeing the one thing they knew by memory which was this Eucharistic hymn : Todaym Parchym that they sang in the hall every night as a grace , and that 's how it 's gone on .
23 The Bill 's tough capping measures will ensure that Labour councils will be unable to pursue the profligate spending that they managed in the past , and that they will be controlled .
24 One of the things we said the worst training session can be is going over stuff that I already have done , already known , what training have I received that they received in the past ?
25 When I asked him what those eminent shrinks did with themselves in the evenings he explained that they gathered in the hotel bar .
26 Now that they stood in the light , Jehan could see that both of them were blackened by grime and oil .
27 In fact there is no reason to believe that the Franks were involved in any long-distance migration : archaeology and history suggest that they originated in the lands immediately to the east of the Rhine .
28 They did not contest that they participated in the crime ring , but said they had no choice because of pressure from Chinese secret societies .
29 The screws that they used in the workshop came in plastic bags a few inches square .
30 Indeed , Apple believed in the technology to such an extent that they invested in the company and actually owned 20% of the stock at one time .
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