Example sentences of "[conj] they [modal v] [verb] in the " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes , but not always , the author has supplied a list of plates and where they should appear in the book ; sometimes , but not always , this can be relied upon , since plates apparently missing have an odd habit of turning up in some other spot ; sometimes , but not always , the plates themselves are numbered , which makes life easier .
2 ( The items might be set on a particular occasion as a test of the attainment of the criterion or they might arise in the context of more holistic tasks on separate occasions . )
3 they 're in that position , it 's gon na cost us to get out , cost us to get them out of it and they can go out into a bed and breakfast or they can stay in the house
4 There is a degree of autonomy within each of the four countries , and although they may unite in the same objectives ( such as improvements in educational and professional standards ) , each has to be responsive to the nature and demands of its country of origin .
5 The one-to-one teaching usually meant that they learned more and did better than they would have in the classroom .
6 Making risk assessments while they were driving may have caused drivers to think about risks in the situations to a greater extent than they would have in the course of normal driving .
7 The crisis-weary Poles are showing far less enthusiasm for this agreement than they would have in the heady days of 1980 .
8 The Kiwis know that British is best and have said Klondyke 's quality is better than they can obtain in the far East .
9 The aversion argument was extracted from its literary context and elevated into a full-blown defence of crudity in the Oz case : " One of the arguments was that many of the illustrations in Oz were so grossly lewd and unpleasant that they would shock in the first instance and then would tend to repel .
10 In numerous communiqués issued on Oct. 16 , many of Algeria 's over 40 opposition parties expressed dissatisfaction with the electoral laws as passed , but indicated that they would participate in the December election .
11 Advisers had in many cases given guarantees that the only information that they would use in the final report would be that which could be used in a public document .
12 This does n't protect the adventurers against any effects that they might suffer in the future , only the ones that currently affect them .
13 Whilst Necromunda could not conceivably have changed , it would nevertheless seem as alien as any of the worlds that they might visit in the interim .
14 For example , when different colleges came up with similar proposals , it was suggested that they might co-operate in the development work .
15 In August 1333 the king declared that divers woods and other places in Surrey had been unjustifiably disafforested under colour of the Statute of 1327 : there was evidence in ‘ divers inquisitions taken in the time of his progenitors and … other memoranda in the Exchequer ’ that they ought to remain in the forest .
16 The police had been round to have a supportive chat ; there was nothing else that they could do in the circumstances .
17 When he urged the pieds noirs to give up integration , when he ordered the army to remain loyal , when he appealed to the FLN to lay down their arms and negotiate , he evoked not just the powers and responsibilities of his office but the confidence that they should have in the person of himself , General de Gaulle .
18 Such cards are a standard pattern and size , so that they will fit in the Japanese filing systems .
19 However as subject specialists they will be able to offer older primary school children ‘ the sort of organisation that they will meet in the secondary school ’ .
20 His comments were useful because they provide us all with the opportunity to see what the Opposition have in mind and the approach that they will take in the run-up to the next election and if they were ever to be elected to government .
21 They imagine that they can bask in the reflected glory of their martyr , Sam Cooke , of legions of underpaid , socially alienated , forgotten black vocalists .
22 ‘ When they become alarmed they go very quiet , waiting for something to happen so that they can run in the opposite direction .
23 Well fuck when I come back up he near had the fucking front door broke trying to get it open so that they 'd come in the front and I see the kitchen door 's closed and I just walked in and I said well John the dishes or nothing 's done if you wan na go and have a look because he would n't do them .
24 She had also left some grasses free-flowing , stuck only at the bottom so they could move in the breeze , but had been told this was not strictly according to tradition .
25 For years afterwards , Jay 's heart gave a lurch every time she passed the place where they parked — Astrid drove the three hundred yards from her house so they could kiss in the car before she went to Timisia .
26 They tied the car so they could get in the vice .
27 They issue an er they issue an annuity , which is erm er if you 're not sure what an annuity is , this is a temporary annuity , and they might say in the case of Miss they might say well what about a ten year annuity ?
28 But for the moment let's just make the point that there are at least three classes of calcium channel , and they can coexist in the same membranes , and can be distinguished by several different criteria , and this is an example of how you can use the criteria that I 've discussed er previously er to characterize different classes of channel .
29 I see this marvellous mechanism as giving us the certainty of immortality , for the impact of our thoughts and personality becomes imprinted in the brains of other men and they will continue in the minds of future generations .
30 Michael Howard , Secretary of State for Unemployment , in announcing employment action in Parliament , stated , this Government , have placed policies designed to lead to job creation and they will succeed in the future as they they have succeeded in the past .
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