Example sentences of "[conj] she [verb] [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Tired and confused after the journey , I followed the servant into a large building , where she left me in a sitting-room .
2 Mildred slid him carefully into her pocket and raced up the stairs to her room , where she transferred him to a small box with holes in the lid which she had prepared specially for the journey .
3 Clare levered the coins off the counter , and carried her cup out into the small enclosure , where she balanced it on an unsteady iron table , her feet cushioned by a carpet of litter .
4 During this period she herds stray animals to her seashore cave , where she feeds them during the cold months .
5 Like when we go to the laundrette , or she takes me to the swimming baths to have a hot shower .
6 Or she zips herself into a black evening gown and she 's a sophisticated 30 year old .
7 Sometimes , although she chided herself for the thought , it seemed as if in trying to be unselfish and giving him what he wanted , she had allowed herself to be turned into a sacrifice .
8 As a single woman living with her uncle , the negligent landlord Mr Brooke , Dorothea has good reason to concern herself with cottages , although she intends them for the estate of the obliging Sir James , having presumably abandoned her uncle as a hopeless case .
9 Environmental issues are also important to Alison although she believes none of the major parties have a good green record .
10 It was then that she told me about the hysterectomy . ’
11 She had to make sure that she avoided him in the future and never gave him the chance to pull any more stunts like that !
12 Ronni smiled a small smile , grateful that the subject of Jeff and Silvia had been left behind , and enjoying , for once , the fact that she had him at a disadvantage .
13 But , when nothing she could do from inside the car would make it go again , she began to realise in her non-mechanical mind that she had something of a problem on her hands .
14 Not that she had anything against the vicar personally , though it had been hard to forgive his refusal of her request for an ‘ Animals ’ Sunday' to which people might bring their pets to be blessed .
15 Clive Kemp 's suggestion that she join him on a cruise across the Mediterranean had seemed the perfect antidote to a long hard winter , a series of temping jobs which had been more demanding than usual , and the unpleasantness of her break-up with Giles .
16 Mrs. Steed , too , insisted that she knew nothing of the sale .
17 She denied that she knew anything about the power of attorney .
18 He loved her humour and the fact that she treated him as an equal , although their business was always conducted on the most formal lines .
19 That she does it for the money , which symbolises affection , emotional security and personal achievement .
20 Tension had given her a dull , thumping headache so that she absorbed nothing except the first entry on the list .
21 She went with Breeze to call upon Mrs Rossitter , who was so charmed with her voice that she engaged her on the spot to read to her for two hours every day .
22 She said it as if it was a joke , but Alan knew perfectly well that she meant it from the bottom of her heart .
23 Phyl would have stayed in show business without the help of Littler but she was fortunate in that she met him at the right time , when he was building up his pantomime empire .
24 Expertly his hands began their slow , feverish exploration of her bare skin , tormenting as they sought to inflame her further and further so that she forgot everything but the pleasure he could bring her .
25 Mrs Mohammed-Holgate was the temporary lodger whom the police arrested when , many months after the burglary , the original owner of the valuables thought that she recognized her from the description given by the shop owner of the person from whom she had bought the jewellery .
26 All Lori will tell you is that she knows nothing about the jade , ’ Paige advised him steadily .
27 Might it have happened that she met a horse drawn set on its way to day , and that she squeezed herself against the tunnel wall in a vain attempt to let it by without harm to herself ?
28 People will argue that she did it as a good deed , in helping her husband 's friend .
29 The severity of her head injuries — when found she had lost 75 per cent of her blood and remained unconscious for almost six weeks — meant that she remembered nothing of the attack .
30 ( One of the teachers whom I interviewed , and who did not comment on this question , has since told me that she used it with a class .
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