Example sentences of "[conj] she [verb] [adv prt] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 From experience and familiarity he or she builds up a mental pictorial encyclopaedia based on study of museum collections , information from archaeological research and accumulated knowledge from books and papers describing objects of particular periods and cultures .
2 Sperber and Wilson 's ( 1986 ) principle of relevance entitles the hearer to expect adequate contextual effects for the minimum necessary processing effort.5 This means that a speaker who is asked to say what , for example , was said in a lecture would not satisfy the principle of relevance if he or she read out the entire content word for word .
3 The Captain had no sooner opened his mouth to say : ‘ Your husband is n't in … ? ’ than she took out a crumpled handkerchief and huge tears were rolling down her fat cheeks .
4 When he started school , she only had to look after him before school started and after it finished , so she took on a part-time job as a lunch-time playground supervisor at the same school .
5 Then her hands began to shake so she put down the half-eaten cake , very aware that his face was full of emotion , belying the quietness of his voice .
6 However when the party broke up and he offered her a lift home , she was quick to negotiate secretly with her hostess for her bike to remain unmentioned in the stairwell until she came back the next day to collect it .
7 His mouth was hot as it explored her lips , his teeth nipping at her lower lip , sending exquisite frissons along her nerves until she let out a small gasp .
8 Within moments I had decided to strip her to her expensive banker 's underclothing , lash her to a Quattrocento day-bed with fur-lined leather manacles , and whip her with unimaginable delicacy until she handed over a full power of attorney and yielded herself totally in a frenzy of self-abnegation .
9 Her grey eyes widened , and she bit back an involuntary exclamation .
10 Jinny was paralysed until Keith prodded her and she choked out the first words .
11 Gabrielle 's relationship with Baldwin blossomed and they had two children together , Sam and Harry , but later the couple parted and she brought up the two boys .
12 Bina who never dreamed — Bina whose moods they all dismissed as ‘ adolescence ’ — Bina who they 'd trained not to let on what she really felt , who did n't even know what she did feel — that same Bina had a dream each night , and she wrote down every single word of it so that it would tell her how to be different , be real , really be .
13 Her heart gave a strange flip inside her ribcage , and she sucked in a deep breath to steady herself .
14 A board creaked beneath her feet and she sucked in a startled breath .
15 and she brings back a few bits , not enough for a child .
16 Then it was Sue 's turn , and she opened up a shimmering square of silk scarf , which had been flattened to the size of an envelope and now expanded and billowed across the table like the sail of a brilliant ship .
17 I asked which were the smallest , and she picked out the three shortest ones quickly .
18 And she smoothed out the crumpled paper and neatened the desk still more , and found a wad of rag to stop the stool wobbling .
19 Her own body felt as though it was burning up with fever , and she put out an unsteady hand to touch his face .
20 I said erm I said to Alison oh aye cos she rang up the other day and I asked her if she 'd found a fella .
21 He held out the clipboard impatiently as if she quibbled over a minor detail .
22 It is one belief , for example , that a woman will obtain children if she walks around a sacred tree 108 times dally for 48 consecutive days .
23 Her eyelids fluttered and she went deathly white , but she fought back the dizzying sensation , her hands coming up to brace herself against fitzAlan 's chest while the world righted itself .
24 Lady Grubb knew a great deal about antiques and owned some beautiful pieces , but she topped up the genuine furnishings with reproduction Jacobean coffee tables and plastic cruets .
25 Michelle was the only one on duty there , but she put down the latest James Herbert long enough to tell me that yes , they had sent for an Airborne messenger just after eleven , and that Anna kept asking if I 'd called .
26 But she pulled off a 6–4 , 6–7 , 6–3 victory over Alison Smith , the 23rd ranked Briton , in 2hr 3min to justify the attention afforded to a rather meaningless tennis encounter .
27 Julie 's hand was shaking as she pushed the key into the ignition but she sucked in a deep breath and started the car , checking her rear-view mirror both for approaching traffic and , more particularly , for that Granada .
28 Debbie 's lawyer , John Christiansen , said she can claim half their assets , because she gave up a promising tennis career for Fred 's sake .
29 From this , Mrs Lamport discovered she had misread one name and her researches into Mrs Piggott were scrapped while she took up the new challenge in the name of Mrs Pigou , a theatre-goer of French origin .
30 She has not worked for nine and a half years , since she gave up a clerical post in accounts with a large company to have her first child .
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