Example sentences of "[conj] this [be] [adv] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Where this is so the question must be asked , what was the real or predominant purpose of the combination , and it is to be answered broadly as by a jury or judge of fact .
2 Although this is partly a result of lower market share during the last days of The Sunday Correspondent , the IoS has made ground while its rival The Observer has not .
3 Entertainment of company clients may take place at the property , although this is just an assumption .
4 Although this is largely a question of over-priced business lunches , clearly out of the price range of most students , it is imperative that the ‘ professionals of the future ’ are not excluded and are allowed to establish early formative contracts .
5 Forty-one per cent of the known opioid users were also known to have taken other types of drug , although this is probably an underestimate since some agencies do not routinely record or receive information about all drugs used by people on their files .
6 But although this is probably the way the young man would have spoken , the line seems to express a certain naivety in his character .
7 The most important ingredient in the construction stage is time but , although this is sometimes a source of worry at the beginning , in practice it is often found that this stage is less time-consuming than the planning stages .
8 Unlike France , however , the parliament is not constitutionally supine ; indeed it has a degree of control over policy which some might envy , although this is more a result of governmental weakness than anything else .
9 The first of these screens is a conversion chart showing catch length and weight , although this is only an approximation .
10 In view of the fact that INSET was only one integral aspect of a very large and complex package of PNP resources , it is difficult to pinpoint its unique effect on daily practice in the Authority , although this is precisely the task we undertook in relation to one major series of courses for our sixth and tenth reports .
11 Although this is undoubtedly the law , it often seems to be ignored , particularly in the United States , where pointless efforts are made by doctors , albeit often with the best of intentions .
12 Although this is hardly the headhunter 's fault , the candidate will naturally feel annoyance or even anger that his or her expectations have been raised and then dashed , often without much explanation .
13 The reduced deficit was to be achieved by ( i ) a 13.2 per cent reduction in investment spending ( although unused investment allocations for 1988 were to be carried over into 1989 ; and ( ii ) the raising of direct and indirect taxes by 29.7 per cent and 23.3 per cent respectively ( although this was largely a reflection of the fact that actual tax yields in 1988 exceeded 1988 budget projections by some 20 per cent ) .
14 The average number of quarrels per hour was three to four , although this was probably an underestimation .
15 Earlier , Dave McCullouch stated that , although this was always the case , it did n't have to be .
16 The received wisdom about reform came to be that ‘ research shows that nothing works ’ , that ‘ whatever you do to offenders makes no difference ’ , although this was always an exaggeration .
17 Less than this is probably a self limiting viral throat .
18 In all areas where evidence of sites can be found , the pattern is clear and dense , suggesting , in fact , that this is probably the case over the whole area .
19 As Macdonald points out , some subjects change from being viewed as ‘ masculine ’ to being viewed as ‘ feminine ’ , and vice versa ; she argues that this is partly the result of ‘ pressures exerted on the school and universities by the changing pattern of employment of men and women in the labour force ’ .
20 Secondly it requires that all transactions made on our behalf shall be reported promptly , I , I would emphasise that this is already the practice the investment tr , er , transactions are already reported to our Finance Department and trustees of course , must sign the necessary transfer forms .
21 In this connection , Gunn ( 1982 ) reports that for ( a ) also the range in Andersonstown is reduced to variation between [ ae ] and [ a ] ( the latter sometimes slightly retracted ) , but he adds that this is particularly the case for young speakers ; older people frequently retain the vernacular rules of the inner city .
22 You could find that this is just the beginning and that your plans are n't quite as cut and dried as they appear . ’
23 At a total cost to local Charge payers of around twenty thousand , some people may think such civic junketing has been terribly excessive but the truth is , Lord Mayor , that this is just the tip of the iceberg .
24 Chairman , I believe that this is just the sort of motion that can only bring local government into disrepute It 's an abuse of power the council holds lands in the county farms estate for purposes set out in the nineteen sixty agriculture act .
25 It is often said that this is just an example of Swiss discretion in business , but in my view we have begun to believe that works acquired abroad are somehow superior .
26 He does n't think that women should be allowed so much freedom of movement , although he understands that this is regrettably the custom , to this day , among white women . ’
27 But I ca n't help feeling that this is strictly a US product and that no attempt has been made to localize it for UK or European markets .
28 Perhaps he does not realize that this is exactly the kind of decoration to be found in Eton chapel where the music of the Eton Choirbook was performed ( illus.5 ) .
29 It is just possible that this is exactly the situation that we face when , as individuals , we experience these stages , and it may certainly be the situation that , as psychoanalysts , we encounter when we try to reconstruct the phases of ego- and superego-development from the sole evidence of the clinical analysis of individuals ( For instance , I strongly suspect that this fact has seriously misled the Kleinian school in its theory of developmental stages and is still obscuring much of the psychological structure of the psychoses , and perhaps the neuroses too . )
30 It seems to me that this is largely a reflection of the consumers ' need for information .
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