Example sentences of "[conj] at the same time there " in BNC.

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1 It is also recognized that at the same time there is a need for close cooperation with the other departments and sections of the organization and with the statutorily appointed external auditor , particularly with regard to the exchange of information and to making the best overall use of audit resources .
2 You meet some of the wildest , wackiest , weirdest , most fun people — and at the same time there 's some really dark forces at work . ’
3 And at the same time there came before him Ximena Gomez , the daughter of the Count , who fell on her knees before him and said , Sir , I am the daughter of Count Don Gomez of Gormaz , and Rodrigo of Bivar has slain the Count my father , and of three daughters whom he has left I am the youngest .
4 And at the same time there 's an exasperated , frayed at the edges side to this performance .
5 As spring progresses and the days lengthen , the O 3 and NO 2 column amounts recover , and at the same time there is a steady increase in the column amount of gas-phase HNO 3 .
6 A return seemed unlikely , but at the same time there was this intriguing question : just what would it be like to be up there , 20 pitches out , on a wall as hard as many a belted route , but with no bolts ?
7 In this respect there is a difference of emphasis between the two writers , but at the same time there is a fundamental unity of purpose and method between them .
8 I 'm not one for imbuing phrases with a coy , knowing wink in their gait , but at the same time there is a meticulousness about these particular performances ( the Sixth is slightly better in this respect ) , which prevents the music from leaping off the page as quite it should .
9 But at the same time there may be limitations in your own vision and he brought out parts that maybe I would n't even have used .
10 It 's got a deeper natural body resonance than the D-32 , but at the same time there 's a much brighter , more immediate treble with a lot more bounce and sparkle overall .
11 I am not suggesting for a moment that this kind of problem can be resolved merely by putting more resources in , but at the same time there is need to spend more money , perhaps .
12 Output and employment may be improved at least temporarily through using fiscal policy to expand aggregate demand , but at the same time there is an increased likelihood that inflation will be exacerbated by such an injection of spending .
13 In other words , there are no revenues included against which we must charge future expenses and there are no expenses against which we must match future revenues : there are no hidden liabilities but at the same time there are no hidden windfalls .
14 Riven felt incredibly mortal , but at the same time there was a rising restlessness in him .
15 As I said at the beginning I think one should be wary about using the word natural , because sometimes people use it you know to promote something you know like on advertising you know it 's natural , must be good for you , but at the same time there are certain things that are natural that are very bad for you like death and if I were to say you know death is natural , nobody would think I was advocating suicide of course not .
16 On the one hand the ministries have arrogated to themselves the virtually exclusive right to decide all matters , but at the same time there is not the slightest link between the separate ministries …
17 That , that 's open to the general public but where I stand you have to have a membership card to go in there now , and er you pay two pound before the season started and er local traders give you a discount and things erm it 's just one way of er segregating the supporters if you like , but there does n't seem to be so much trouble since they 've done this , but at the same time there does n't seem to be as much atmosphere
18 Yes , I think that 's true , but at the same time there is a debate going on as to whether in fact there 's more violence now than there used to be , some people say there is more violence , other people say that , that erm that 's not the case .
19 HOW dare Norman Lamont decide the Queen should n't pay tax while at the same time there is talk of taxing people on invalidity benefit ?
20 At the ‘ top end ’ the peculiarly British mutual accommodation and interpenetration of the bourgeoisie and aristocracy has licensed an extension of the term ‘ middle class ’ until there is only a vestigial ‘ upper class ’ against which to draw a contrast , while at the same time there have been successive waves of new recruits which have enlarged the base of the ‘ class ’ : the new groups of professionals , managers and technical experts which expanded from the latter half of the nineteenth century onward with the development of capitalist industry and trade ; the more recent expansion of salaried employment in education , research , health , social welfare , administration and planning .
21 Whatever was affecting the rate time passed at seemed to obey the inverse square law , the phenomenon apparently radiating from each clock face , while at the same time there was a more generalised sort of effect emanating from the huge central mechanism buried somewhere in the castle 's many lower levels , making everything down there happen more quickly .
22 Over the past three years a large number of deep mines have closed , while at the same time there has been pressure to develop and expand the open-cast and private sectors of the industry .
23 Finally , if the rise in real output per capita is caused by an expansion of investment goods industries and public sector expenditures on the civil service and defence , while at the same time there is a decline in consumer goods industries , then current economic welfare may fall rather than rise .
24 This has been done by an emphasis on individualism , self-help , hard work and thrift , whilst at the same time there has been an attack on collectivism and socialism as repressive and unworldly values .
25 Tiger Watson was wounded ; Donald Roy killing his friend 's attacker , for this was a personal battle of man against man in the shadows , even though at the same time there was the impersonal hammer from machine-guns and 20mm cannons firing from beyond the basin and its locks .
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