Example sentences of "[conj] at the [adj] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 You spoke about what was said in the brochure that management charges had been or would be running at about a rate of inflation , we can see it on page fifty six , it 's better if you look at it I think , rather than I parrot phrase , see fifty six if you so kind now see fifty six is talking about at Broadstone will the management charges greatly increase the answer is no management service , er , sorry has appointed U K leading management specialist for several reasons , firstly because of their professional caring attitude , secondly because time has shown that management charges , rises the rate either slightly below or at the levelled inflation when that brochure was produced in respect of that development was that statement true or was it not ?
2 For young women the disease sanctions were even stronger and tended to be linked with childbearing threats , with the possibility opened up of cancer , insanity and TB , or at the least frigidity or nymphomania .
3 It is vital for the young cuckoo to hatch either before , or at the same time as , its nest mates .
4 Data from children whose ears contained fluid at the final assessment or at the last assessment before they were lost to follow up were excluded .
5 When he stopped his work for tea , the prying landlady being out at the shops , he would try to arrange to meet her , either in the house or at the British Museum if she were going near the West End that day .
6 For economy of space occupied by the site of the lift the two inclined ways would generally be side by side and although at the same inclination and extending between the same levels they would not be in the same plane but echeloned so that the one extends , so to speak , from the right side of the head bay to the right side of the tail bay whilst the other extends from the left side of the head bay to the left side of the tail bay .
7 It also recommends that excavations be coordinated at a national level , albeit at the same time as more powers are devolved to the regions , this decentralisation freeing the CSRS of its administrative and financial role and giving it the freedom to concentrate on scholarly matters , with — and this is a novelty — systematic recourse to the advice of outside experts .
8 Yes , and I do hope that at the same time that we 've been talking about how relatively practical religion has become , that we shall remember the mystery which it witnesses to .
9 Instead of centring his analyses on the knowledge derived from the experience of the subject , Foucault investigates the conditions of emergence of the subject as the basis of knowledge ; he argues that at the same time as it was widely proposed as the one saving good of human civilization it also facilitated a more sinister operation .
10 It is one of the paradoxes of contemporary political thinking that at the same time as much conventional theory has tried to restrict the idea of democracy to that of choosing a government from competing elites , it is also widely admitted that the theoretical sovereignty of these democratic governments is not in fact matched by their actual powers over society , particularly in relation to the vast conglomerate firms and multi-national companies on whose policies and decisions the employment and livelihood of so many millions now depend .
11 It was unfortunate , I thought , that at the same time as I had realised the grandeur of God I had fallen in love with a mortal , and that the two experiences should have proved to be mutually exclusive , leaving me with the sensation that I was being sundered by equal forces .
12 And you know that at the same time as you could clout them you 'd actually die for them also if it came to the point .
13 The most noteworthy consequences of such an attitude was that at the same time as growing numbers of Latin Americans , particularly young people , were looking to Marxism for some kind of solution , the orthodox Communist parties were widely perceived to be inert and impotent .
14 Hon. Members will be aware that at the same time as we consulted about our council tax proposals , we issued a consultation paper in Scotland about water and sewerage charges .
15 It certainly has a bearing , er it , it has a bearing in two directions , it causes price increases and cost increases at the same time for the producers , so that at the same time as there are price increases , increasing inflation , there is a reduction in production .
16 The difficulty here in handling the ( a ) variable following Labov 's model ( which assumes an underlying structural identity ) is that the ( a ) systems in RP and in Scottish English are embedded in structurally different phonologies ; as a consequence the range of realizations in Glasgow does not correspond in any simple way to the range in RP , where there is a distinction at the phonemic level between front and back / a / rather than at the subphonemic level as in Glasgow .
17 But globalisation means that companies have to invest where they can produce cheapest and at the best quality and where they can earn profits .
18 At that time we can respond by the greatest amount and at the greatest speed and we perceive it as being least difficult .
19 Rover 's victory here is thanks to its ability to identify what its customers want and then provide it , fast and at the right price and quality .
20 Breast milk is always there , sterile and at the right temperature and strength .
21 Looking back on it he was amazed both at his boldness and at the seeming inevitability and naturalness of that first encounter .
22 Main counter and at the philatelic counter as well .
23 Honeymoon and silver anniversary couples receive a bottle of sparkling wine at all hotels and at the Grand Hotel & Royal a complimentary bottle of sparkling wine for all guests .
24 My toes went numb , and at the primary school that we attended I was n't allowed to wear long trousers at my age .
25 His words were taken up by many who would not have dreamed of opening any of his more technical works , and he came to be in great demand as a speaker at rallies and at the numerous conferences and seminars on the death of images organized by the Universities , the Churches and the innumerable Humanist organizations which had mushroomed in the immediately preceding decades .
26 Instead he took a curtain call , and at the last minute before he was to slide behind the curtains behind the bar , he reached for the flowers thrown to him earlier and broke off some of the roses , swaggering round the circle of admirers handing out the roses to the women .
27 In September 1991 , Bernhard flew his small aircraft along , and videoed , the exact route and at the same altitude that W1048 had flown when she attacked the Tirpitz in 1942 .
28 All 27,000 dismissed and striking workers would be permitted to return to employment in the same job and at the same grade and wage as at the beginning of the strike , provided that they returned to work in the period from Jan. 31 to Feb. 6 .
29 Therefore : ‘ If this replacement proceeds smoothly and at the same rate as the disappearance , we have a case of simple reproduction , which corresponds to a situation in which the productive social labour remains uniform , with the productive forces unchanging . ’
30 Innumerable electrical scintillations played through the chaos of vapours , and at the same time that the ears were deafened by a frightful fracas .
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