Example sentences of "[conj] you [vb base] a [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 I often say jokingly that you make a comment to somebody and you find you 're talking to the world export on expert on whatever it is .
2 ‘ For anything , I imagine , that you have a mind to .
3 You travel , as we have done , to the west coast of Scotland , to Oban , and you catch a ferry to Mull , a large and inhospitable island of mountain and moorland .
4 There has to be evidence produced to say why you are being detained and you have a chance to , to refute that evidence .
5 Ca n't you wait until you have a cottage to yourself and can do what you like with your life , Seb Quilter ? ’
6 ‘ You can stop me if you 've a mind to . ’
7 In many European languages if you change a pronoun , the endings of the verb must also change ( a. below ) , or if you change a noun to a noun of a different gender , you will have to change the article and suffix in the noun phrase ( b. below ) .
8 ‘ Wo n't they mind if you bring a stranger to a family party ? ’
9 If you ask a question to the group who 's intending who can tend to ask for it ?
10 You will wonder no more if you stay here and , if you take a fancy to the bed you sleep in , Signora Silvana , who speaks excellent English , will sell it to you !
11 What this all boils down to is that , if you make a turn to the left while flying forwards at high speed with clockwise blade rotation , you will probably need to apply full left tail rotor .
12 It 's easiest if you keep a supply to hand in your bedroom or wherever else you have sex .
13 From London you can be putting your boots on at the Bloody Bridge car park in less than three hours if you have a mind to .
14 You can chop the wood if you have a mind to .
15 If you want a person to be dropped I suggest Speed .
17 But you need a key to the box .
18 Well hire a car , cos it 's a lovely island and you , you never find these places unless you have a car to , sort of go around .
19 But before you write a complaint to your Euro-MP , that is exactly what millions of office workers need .
20 When you put a stop to all that , when the place is silent and empty , all that is left is a large , ramshackle shed — cold , filthy and depressing .
21 Yet I still do n't understand you — remember when you put a stop to my having dinner Chez Auguste ? ’
22 That is precisely what happens when you become a subscriber to Microsoft Systems Journal .
23 ‘ Every time ’ — she bobbed her head at him ‘ especially when you have a room to yourself and a decent job ahead .
24 When you send a reporter to a festival , why do n't you send one who knows a little about it ?
25 As soon as you hear a reference to Third World you know what it means even if some of its shades of meaning are deleterious to your grand hopes of creating One World out of its lunatic divisions and separatisms .
26 So long as you set a limit to the essay you will have confidence and control .
27 As soon as you set a limit to your endurance , you are lost .
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