Example sentences of "[conj] i [vb base] [adj] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 Underneath that I have another article to which was kicked out sometime later but I have it in here , it says , raid on Gdynia would surprise to Nazis to say refugees in Sweden tell how the non Germans cheered in the streets but the two refugees eye witnesses to the American Bombing Attack on Gdynia , October ninth , reported here that the raid caught the Germans by surprise and that non German workers stood in the streets and cheered amid terrific destruction .
2 If I do not get the chance later in my response to answer the comments of the hon. Member for Caernarfon ( Mr. Wigley ) on students with special needs in further education , I say now that I attach great importance to those students .
3 ‘ Thirdly , I believe that by the end of tonight you will see an increase in the number of Liberal Democrat Members of Parliament and I give this undertaking to each of them .
4 Its main proponent has been Martin Kane and I give some attention to his work in chapter three .
5 It is not that the west has failed to make an attempt to do so , and I pay genuine tribute to the work done by my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs and by my hon. and learned Friend the Minister of State , Foreign and Commonwealth Office , who is to reply to this debate , and to the tireless efforts of Lord Carrington and , more recently , Mr. Cyrus Vance .
6 The Secretary of State and I attach great importance to SCOTVEC working in partnership with NCVQ so that all students can gain full recognition for their vocational achievements throughout the United Kingdom .
7 I 'm not against the concept of co-opted members and I believe that they could add a useful dimension to any authority 's work , but apart from the obligatory brace of businessmen and I accept the Right Honourable and Noble Viscount Lord Whitelaw 's phrase and I quote powerful reference to a broad approach and new ideas and a fight against crime , but apart from the the brace er , er of such business people , they should surely come from representative sections of those communities which the authorities serve .
8 I think if I take this lot to the tip now , I 'll come back
9 In the end , will I be worth something if I pay great attention to all that you tell me ? "
10 ‘ Look , if I live next door to an enemy and he has a knife , a gun and a machine gun and I 've got the same , I 'm not going to chuck mine before he chucks his .
11 It 's the same with anything to me , if I leave this house to Sheila and Bruce if anything happened to Sheila Bruce would get it .
12 I hope it wo n't be considered too presumptuous if I offer some advice to the reader who finds himself , perhaps for the first time , left to work on his own .
13 No communication has been sent to the British Government about European reference prices , so I have not had a chance to study those , but I pay full tribute to the improvement in productivity .
14 Not only so , but I believe this statement to be deeply theologically inadequate and that various points to be at variance both with scripture and with the Westminster confession of faith the standard and the principle subordinate standard of this church .
15 Almost any hardwood can be used , but I consider actual hardness to be more important than the particular species .
16 Because I feel any attachment to this city or this world where I have laboured ?
17 ‘ Of course , ’ said the civil servant , ‘ the question I shall be asked when I put this name to the PM is ‘ Is he one of us ? ’
18 As I unveil this plaque to the glory of God and in memory of all those who served in the Hundredth Bomb Group in the cause of freedom from this airfield .
19 Gav and my Aunt Janice got on like a house on fire , a combined location and fate I occasionally wished on them as I lay awake listening to the sounds of their love-making , a pastime I sometimes suspected I shared with people in a large part of the surrounding community , not to say northern Europe .
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