Example sentences of "[conj] i [vb past] [adv prt] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 That I got up in the night and walked into an open press . ’
2 I 've already revealed that I started out in a donkey jacket , but I should add that it took me at least ten years to get a decent kit .
3 allow and they reckon that soft ones are better suited too sports because , because of the great action they 're harder to , to knock out , whereas soft ones er , have better other qualities , I 've got this little fucking book , book that I picked up in the Boots in Farnborough the other day yes , its quite interesting .
4 I did n't want to leave the Maxteds behind because they had started out as my passengers , so I went back in a few minutes later to see if they were ready to leave .
5 Once I dressed up in a big , black shag wig , really tacky .
6 And he was n't in today I mean came into work and I passed out in the . .
7 ‘ He and I grew up in the same town .
8 And I lay back in the cradling pouch-seat , enjoying the feeling of being safe and relaxed — and financially secure for a while , with that fee safely tucked away in my Fedbank account .
9 We went to Ireland for the summer and our visit there was great fun ; Brian and I drove about in a donkey-cart , fished for eels , and shot rabbits with a 410 .
10 We played late on the first day and I went round in the morning spotting the pin positions , trying to get a feel for the course so I could give the right information to Nick .
11 So and I went down in the pool this morning
12 Then one day I had to go to the Post Office for something — one of them forms I daresay — so I thought I better wrap up , I better take care , you 're very vulnerable after a long illness you know , and I put my old long mack on and one of the kids ' mack hats and Wellingtons and I went out in the rain , feeling , in a depressed sort of way , ‘ Well , if I get ill again , what can I do ?
13 Being already in the City I was n't far from the divisional H.Q. , and I went along in the hope of finding Redpath there .
14 Fortunately it did n't go off , but it made a hell of a mess , and I came down in a shell-hole just outside our wire . ’
15 Billy ( Nottingham ) and I came down in the afternoon to help .
16 Something 's trying to get in ! ’ and I rocketed up in the air and out of the water .
17 For the last 100 feet I seemed to drop out of the sky — the flat roof of a house came rushing up at me , and just as I was about to land on it , it dodged to one side and I ended up in a little patch of green wheat .
18 And then the whitewater caught me so I proned out and hung on — I was eaten up then I was spat out and then I was eaten up again and spat out again and the beach was right there , so I threw the board away and just rolled and rolled and tumbled , and I ended up in the river on the far side of the berm . ’
19 ‘ Colin Harvey bought Mike Newell for the start of my second season and I ended up in the reserves , with all the publicity and pressure that brought .
20 And I ended up in the erm my ended my career as the in , I was in charge of the stone , stone masonry office working for the funeral manager .
21 ‘ For more than four hours Tally and I lounged around in the carry-out , talking , drinking coffee , watching people come and go , watching other hangers-on as they bantered with the waitresses , horsed around among themselves , or danced to the juke-box .
22 I remember you taking me there to lunch when I was small and I threw up in the lift . ’
23 When I lived at home my mum was cool about whatever I wore ; her only considerations were practical ones , like insisting I wore ten million jumpers if I went out in the cold .
24 and I do n't know how he , you are , and in the end our cousins you , you know convince me that they 'd take sort of control , you know that , if I was worried as well about or dad getting drunk , one thing or another like , you know , and said look we 're going , it 's not as though we 're not going , we 're going and we 'll have him in with us and I let him go in the end cos I went down in the five weeks
25 But I woke up in the middle of the night and could n't get back to sleep , so I decided to bake a cake , after all .
26 But I woke up in the middle of the night in agony .
27 ‘ I do n't use drugs myself , but I grew up in the South Bronx where heroin use was all around me .
28 I had a bit of an interest in gardens because I grew up in the country at Drewsteignton , but I always think I was very lucky to get that job at Castle Drogo — straight in as a single-handed gardener with no experience .
29 My Rudd Cup football medal would nestle in its cotton wool till I got back in the holidays .
30 Marcus had n't given me any since I threw up in the hall and he stepped in it when he came to see what the matter was .
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