Example sentences of "[conj] it [vb past] at the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I am happy to acknowledge the views of the Northern Ireland Economic Council , and the questions that it had at the time of its submission need to be dealt with .
2 Its Durkheimian origin meant that it suffered at the outset from the more general problems of Durkheim 's functionalist approach .
3 She had to find her own way to the bathroom and was pleased with herself for so quickly remembering that it lay at the end of the passage .
4 It is probable that in retrospect he gave that factor more weight than it carried at the time .
5 To be sure , the last page of the last chapter had not been written at the death of the last apostle any more than it had at the death of the Messiah ; but , like him , the disciples enjoyed the characteristic gift of the end , the Holy Spirit whom the prophets knew would be poured out in the last days .
6 The Campaign now has more paid-up members than it did at the height of the 1970s real ale revival .
7 I I read their Bible once and it said at the beginning , in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was a god .
8 It would sit at the foot of the sick-bed and , if it gazed at the patient , its eyes would magically absorb the malaise so the man had a renewed chance of life .
9 If it aimed at the point where the insect appeared to be , it would miss .
10 But it stopped at the sky .
11 But it stopped at the neck , and its body did not appear .
12 But it did at the time appear rather a , the last thing
13 But it emerged at the meeting , held in Yokohama , Japan , that only seven of its 47 member governments had prepared strategies for meeting this target .
14 Edward VI 's Bill of 1547 encountered a great deal of opposition throughout English society not only because it concerned the chantries but also because it struck at the system of confraternities on which much of medieval life was based .
15 We were probably all busy out in the fields at the time since it happened at the beginning of September .
16 I drove twenty yards ahead so that the bus would not be blocking my way when it stopped at the bus stop , then I stopped and looked back .
17 The fuselage broke into three major sections when it separated at the wing leading edge and wing trailing edge and the wreckage came to a stop 625 feet short of the runway pavement .
18 The third mystery concerns another ghost known as ‘ Old Moll ’ who at times walks around the churchyard , the legend being connected with a horse which threw its rider when it reared at the sight of something supernatural coming down the hill at Skipsea Brough .
19 He sat and watched the quill being borne along by the current and then leaning over as it tugged at the end of the swim .
20 Thus , where the user covenant permits the tenant to use the demised property for any purpose falling within a class of the Town and Country Planning ( Use Classes ) Order 1972 ( SI No 1385 ) the covenant will be construed as referring to the use class as it existed at the date of the demise .
21 It must be remembered that what is described is , almost without exception , the church as it existed at the time of writing .
22 It was ideal and saved people walking up the bank with heavy shopping , also it was handy for the post office ( which by the way , we have n't one on Albert Hill ) as it stopped at the end of Albert Road and was quite near to the post office on North Road and everyone welcomed that .
23 They are strays , having been carried here by the glacier that once occupied Crummackdale as it retreated at the end of the Ice Age , scouring the ground as it departed and bringing down the boulders from their place of origin higher in the valley .
24 Their final work , a book on the geology of Scotland , though never completed in their lifetimes , was published in 1930 as it stood at the time of their deaths .
25 All of them tended to assume that the territorial division of Europe as it stood at the moment of their publication was , or could be made , permanent and sacrosanct .
26 It will consider , first of all , the state of the finance function as it stood at the end of 1988 , and assess what changes had recently taken place , what were in progress and what further developments could logically have been anticipated .
27 I followed the direction of Swire Sugden 's nicotine-stained finger as it prodded at the blueprint .
28 ‘ Self-government ’ was thus conceived not as the inevitable prelude to letting India go , as it appeared at the time and has appeared since to eyes less clouded than Montagu 's by belief in the possibility of voluntary servitude , but as the natural means of keeping it .
29 I am afraid the cutting or the great Toxicodendron [ poison ivy ] is perished ; for it lay at the bottom of the box , where there had been wet .
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