Example sentences of "[conj] it [modal v] well [be] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Corn was shipped along the Stroudwater canal to Oil Mill , although it may well be that the last half mile or so of the Painswick Stream was once navigable .
2 A relativist will deny that there is a unique category , ‘ science ’ , that is intrinsically superior to other forms of knowledge , although it may well be that individuals or communities place a high value on what is usually referred to as science .
3 yep it 's just that some of the cottages tend to be a bit smaller so that it might well be that we can get you something where there 's a perhaps ground floor extension or whatever okay .
4 An interpretation I have often heard is that God 's ways are mysterious and wonderful , and it may well be that in the very last moments of the person 's life they had an encounter with God that set them on the path to eternal life .
5 ‘ Tradition dies hard and it may well be that many zealous companions will go on quoting Syriac and Egyptian and perpetuating this extraordinary jumble of explanations , ’ wrote Canon Richard Tydeman , Grand Superintendent over the Suffolk province of Freemasonry , in 1985 .
6 It was some time after the construction of the capital 's tramway system , and it may well be that the true origins of the tale lay in a superstitious dread of this foreign technology .
7 In these latter experiments , however , a different strain of yeast was used from that employed by Jones and Jenkins , and it may well be that this is another example of one strain of an organism being more sensitive to particular homoeopathic remedies than others .
8 It consists of an 8-metre-diameter beehive tomb , with a large square capstone still in place , and a 20-metre-long entrance passage on the east side ; it is like a simpler , trial-run version of the great tholos tombs at Mycenae , and it may well be that the Mycenean tholos tombs originated as a Minoan idea ( Plate 20 ) .
9 Few are in any doubt that there is plenty more pain to come , and it may well be that the interim management is now expected to clear the decks , steel itself to announce another enormous net loss for the current quarter and let the new chief executive and team come in with a clean sheet .
10 This means that the main body of the national collection still has no permanent home and it may well be that the Casina delle Civette will become a more specialised museum of Art Nouveau glass , the Villino Boncompagni will house the twentieth-century items and another site will be found for the remaining collections .
11 Under Edward IV and Henry VII there were , as we have seen , developments in national administration which brought the Treasurer of the Chamber and the Keeper of the Jewel House into great prominence , and it may well be that their importance overshadowed the officers of the Lord Steward 's department .
12 tines longer than 30cm will not fit conveniently on conventional sized paper ( A4 ) and it may well be that because of this many pupils had relatively little experience of measuring or drawing such lines .
13 Well it 's very difficult to say what the because presumably the character of the paddock would have changed and the character of the conservation area likewise and it may well be that the use of that site would n't be a paddock .
14 Crystal and Davy on the other hand are focusing on the language of a few speakers well known to them , and it may well be that in their case the nature of the personal ties between investigator and subject makes candid recording a less pressing ethical issue .
15 And it may well be that an equal share of interest does n't achieve the best result .
16 And it may well be that that we 'll have to you know make sure everybody who 's running a training course , gets this particular
17 Relations between working class husbands and wives never lacked affection and it may well be that the poor , early twentieth century working class wife derived as great a satisfaction from the mix of activities she undertook to sustain her family as her modern counterpart does from , typically , a part-time job and the performance of less arduous domestic tasks ( with varying degrees of help from her husband ) .
18 Secondly , he was a glaciologist and it may well be that he persuaded the pilot to swin' away to the east .
19 The sample may be biased insofar as Livingstone and Wilkie used middle management as their study and it may well be that at this level individuals are reasonably well paid and hence money is not as important as other factors .
20 Micros are astonishingly powerful , and it may well be that in a couple of years time they will provide the most attractive solution — but they do not provide it yet .
21 The actual income of a kadi depended not only — or even principally — on his allowance , of course , but also on fees of various kinds ; and it may well be that if indeed the kadis of Istanbul , Edirne and Bursa continued to receive allowances of only 300 akce a day down to Hezarfen 's time , they did so because their allowances represented a relatively insignificant proportion of the monies they actually received , so that raising them to match the importance of the kadiliks was not a matter of particular moment .
22 Molla Fenari and Seyh Bedreddin shared a devotion to the thought of Ibn al-Arabi , and it may well be that even if Molla Fenari thoroughly disapproved of the rebels ' activities he was compromised in the eyes of many by those shared beliefs .
23 This sort of analysis is substantially similar to Jakobson 's discussion of Poe 's ‘ Raven ’ ( Sebeok 1971 : 371–2 ) , which I referred to in the last chapter , and it may well be that the New Critics ' influence lay behind Jakobson 's arguments there .
24 If we say , you see , that the function of the dream is to safeguard sleep , and to fulfil wishes , then it 's clear that in the real world not all wishes are fulfillable and it may well be that , that the latent thoughts , in some cases , is so alarming and so disturbing , that they can not be sufficiently disguised and will lead to a state of waking , and that waking proves of course that the dream has failed in its function of safeguarding sleep .
25 Fifteenth-century agriculture , as we have seen ( Ch.2 ) , gave the peasantry opportunities to consolidate their holdings , and it may well be that this led to a decline in the traditional co-operative cultivation of the open-field communities , as men purchased their own draught animals and ploughs .
26 While games may be useful , and it may well be that there should be time in school devoted specifically to playing games , games are not of themselves drama .
27 There was no justification for the ban in the first place and is the Secretary of State not concerned that the International Labour Organisation has expressed much concern over the continuing ban and it may well be that in view of the fact that the government is not willing to compromise in any way the I L O may well decide to formally rebuke and reprimand the government .
28 I ca n't imagine that George is gon na continuing doing that forever and it may well be that we 'll be faced with a possibility of , of what we do in the future to have that piece of administration done will we be able to assume that it could done voluntary in the future ?
29 well the the have a training roll and it may well be that the will be able to I mean I have n't spoken for example but they have taken over the functions of the old Manpower Services Commission training agency .
30 A B&Q spokesman said last night : ‘ Because our store was the closest to the viaduct it took the full force of the blast and it could well be that we are talking of a complete demolition .
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