Example sentences of "[conj] it [modal v] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Self-cutting is sometimes a problem in inpatient psychiatric units , especially those catering for adolescents , where it may occur in an epidemic fashion ( Simpson 1975 ; Walsh and Rosen 1985 ) .
2 It is able to recycle material which is now being expensively destroyed in incinerators or dumped into the sea , where it may act as a source of marine pollution .
3 The only site conserved between rat and human CD2 ( Asn 112 ) places the oligosaccharide at the bottom of domain 2 , where it might interact with the cell surface , opposite the highly basic surface of the GFCC' sheet .
4 Altogether , Scorpius has much to offer , though it is of course best seen from southern latitudes , where it can pass over the zenith .
5 From there , it will be transported 1,000 miles overland to Chengdu , at the foot of the Tibetan Mountains , where it will reassembled at the site of a tube-making company .
6 The idea is to allow the server to be attached to host systems — Unix or proprietary — where it will function as a database subsystem accelerator .
7 I loathe the metal crate in which ‘ Guernica ’ travelled along ‘ the most controversial kilometre in the history of contemporary art ’ , to settle in its new mansion , where it will serve as a pernicious example to future generations .
8 The plant is more at home in marshy conditions than in the aquarium , where it will grow to a considerable height .
9 To protect the young , tender leaves of seedlings such as brassicas and lettuce , stretch the old tape between canes about 18in from the ground , where it will flutter in the breeze and glitter in the sunshine .
10 Then it was gone , on its journey of several weeks through normal planetary space to that zone on the rim of the system far from the worlds and moons where it could dive into the warp .
11 Ensure that no masonry falls down into the cavity , where it could interfere with the wall ties .
12 Above all territory must be effectively occupied or it would fall to the partisans ; this kept French troops from the battlefield .
13 It may involve three or more subjects studied separately but in parallel , as in the Scottish general degree or some polytechnic/college ‘ combined studies ’ degrees ; or it may integrate several subjects in relation to some area , period , theme or problem , in which case it may be called interdisciplinary ; or it may consist of a more open , modular system of requirements and options .
14 Or it may appear as an eroded large artery protruding into the lumen .
15 It may come from a published or syndicated source , like Retail Business or Mintel , or the Target Group Index ( TGI ) ; or it may come from a survey you have carried out yourself .
16 It may record its disagreement but ultimately accept the majority 's support of the development ; it may refuse to meet its financial obligations until the organisation ceases the action in question , although this may itself be contrary to the treaty ; it may regard the action as having no legal effect ; or it may withdraw from the organisation .
17 The law of that state as to the service of documents originating abroad may permit documents to be sent directly to the defendant without the use of any local official acting as intermediary , or it may insist on the documents passing through , for example , the court having jurisdiction at the defendant 's place of residence , the parquet attached to that court , or a huissier practising in the relevant area .
18 Its function is not known as yet , but the leaf may serve as mobile camouflage to protect the fish from the eight species of kingfisher which feed along this river or it may act as a ‘ stalking horse ’ as the fish pursues its prey .
19 On scenting an alarm pheromone , an ant may do any of a variety of things : it may run away from the source of the scent ; it may freeze and ‘ play dead ’ , or it may run towards the source of the scent and attack any nearby enemies .
20 The harm resulting from corporate discretion might lie in its impact on particular individuals or groups , or it might exist at a more abstract level , in the social disfiguration that the concentration of power in a small number of hands represents .
21 It could be your own or a neighbour 's , or it might belong to a local business , station or pub .
22 Erm a new factory going into the area for example will have a choice between one of Selby 's erm ca n't think of a suitable adjective , large requirement for industrial land , or it will go into the new settlement .
23 It also freezes well , or it will keep in the fridge for a day or two .
24 With his law of primitive socialist accumulation Preobrazhensky saw it essentially as being conditions which were imposed upon the Soviet economy ; either the state sector will grow or it will succumb to the private sector , but the ‘ law ’ itself is only manifested by a series of conditions which were conscious acts upon the part of the Soviet state , since it involved plans and planning .
25 It can have one of several headings ; a frilled channelled heading can be fitted onto a narrow rod or it can hang below a rod from rings with a plain or pinch pleated scalloped heading .
26 ‘ the notion of public interest has its limitations and in many cases it will not be served by dissemination of information about a person charged with a criminal offence or it must yield to the need to secure a fair trial for such a person .
27 Although it may appear like a demutualisation , it is not .
28 Although it may cry for a short time , it should settle down and sleep before long .
29 Robert Young suggests why the presupposition of a shared humanity can not provide such a starting point , although it may operate as a horizon of thought , a desirable if always unachievable aspiration .
30 Few performers would be entirely happy touring the country as , say , Oswald Mosley , although it might make for a more interesting evening dramatically .
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