Example sentences of "[conj] that it [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I can assert of the oldest tree in the park ( if there is such a tree ) that it is an oak , but I can also say of the sentence " The oldest tree in the park is an oak " that it means the same , or that it expresses same thought as , say , its French or Chinese translation , irrespective of whether it says anything true .
2 Secondly , there is nothing to suggest that using two languages detracts from either one of them or that it produces continued interference .
3 I am , I regret , unable to agree that the judgment of the court beyond this or that , in so far as it was obiter in the context in which it was delivered , can be supported or that it binds this court .
4 Society might judge that this severely reduced the welfare of citizens in remote areas or that it promoted regional dissent which reduced the sense of national unity .
5 Whether this means that life originated just once , or that it originated many times , each origin acquiring a different code , but that one origin gave rise to more successful competitors , we do not know .
6 A solitary predator it resembled the grey wolf , except that it had two horns — one long ivory one in the centre of its forehead , and the other a squat and curved tusk at the tip of its nose .
7 When she came back from changing , her haircut was a boy 's , except that it had new-born-looking curls at the nape of her neck , which knocked him out for a bit .
8 Remorseful Prober is like Naive Prober , except that it takes active steps to break out of runs of alternating recrimination .
9 What we now call Euclidean space-time is very similar except that it has four dimensions instead of two .
10 I learnt , many years later , that they paid over £30 to have a book of poems printed , and that it sold two copies .
11 Perhaps this a characteristic to be expected of a country where it is said that one person in every three is a civil servant and that it requires 72 government permits to open a mild bar .
12 Samuel Hitching stated that he examined the Coffin carefully and that it had two canvas patches on where there were decayed places in the Wood — he also measured the thickness of the Board and they were only 5/8 of an inch at top and ½ an inch thick at the bottom — the lid was also warped that they could not screw it down properly-One of the bearers also stated that he was afraid it would fall in pieces before they got to the Church with it .
13 Gina 's friends told him that this was a ‘ personal canvas ’ and that it had more integrity than conventional beautified portraiture .
14 This meant both that the BBC itself was not to ‘ editorialize ’ about the news ( or ‘ matters of public policy ’ , as the Postmaster-General put it in 1927 ) and that it kept strict control over access to the airwaves .
15 In her foreword , Ruth Richardson , the Minister of Finance ( and not the most popular Kiwi politician ) , expresses it thus : ‘ The special advantages of accrual accounting are that it distinguishes between capital and current spending , and that it takes better account of the cost of current policies for future generations …
16 She points out that there are five thousand people on the waiting list wanting to take up a Body Shop franchise and that it takes three years before any of them succeed .
17 The guide-books say little : Samuel Wallis visited it and named it Boscawen Island , perhaps after the great admiral of Finisterre ; the best vanilla in the Pacific is grown there ; and it is rumoured that the finest kavo — that faintly narcotic drink prepared from the powdered root of a local pepper plant , and an important part of rituals and celebrations in the South Pacific — is Tafahi kava , and that it renders all Tafahians perpetually slightly dopey .
18 In Yugoslavia 's biggest postwar strike , nearly 700,000 workers in Serbia 's textile , leather and metallurgical industries stopped work on April 16 to demand that the Serbian government pay them the guaranteed minimum monthly wage , backdated to January , and that it abolish new taxes introduced at the end of 1990 .
19 Fujimori stated that the aid package did not address the all-round economic development needs of coca-growing areas , and that it victimized poor peasants who had no alternative but to grow coca crops .
20 Make sure your contract is in writing and that it gives full details of prices , cancellation rights , guarantees — how long they last and when the work will be finished .
21 It was already clear to Coleman from his analysis of the drugs-related intelligence coming out of Lebanon that the traditional heroin route to the US via Cyprus , Frankfurt and London was used regularly by both agencies , that the traffic was not always in narcotics and that it moved both ways .
22 It is said that there is a spell within the music , and that they always spin it for the true heir , and that it protects that heir throughout his life .
23 Another indicator for the future of the book is a growing commitment across all age groups to lifelong self-improvement and a recognition in influential groups such as government and the media that the role of the book is not purely commercial , and that it conveys other advantages to society and must be regarded accordingly .
24 The disadvantages of the Article were that it was perceived as dealing with ‘ representational ’ issues that were out of place in the Convention , that it undercut the position of non-liability of member States for treaties concluded by organisations , and that it placed excessive emphasis on the exceptional situation of the European Communities .
25 The UK government 's strategy for reducing carbon emissions has been attacked by environmentalists , who argue that it places too much reliance on voluntary action by industry and the presumed effect of market forces , and that it pays scant attention to the need for research into energy efficiency .
26 We have also made it absolutely clear that we will ensure that our deterrent is effective and absolutely credible , and that it puts real fear into any potential aggressor about the damage that he could suffer if he were to attack this country .
27 We are satisfied it will be a valuable asset for the immediate area and that it has considerable support from the community . ’
28 The terms should also make it clear that the committee has the power to investigate matters within its brief and that it has full access to information .
29 He says that that it shows a revival of gothicism which coincided with the development of the new classicism , and that it has clear connections with the work of Nanni di Banco and Ghiberti .
30 In it he said that the Scottish financial sector did nothing to help the country 's economy , that it benefited only a selected minority , and that it put little back into Scotland .
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