Example sentences of "[conj] not [prep] [art] same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Categories such as ‘ theatre and entertainment ’ or ‘ cinema and film ’ did not include quite the same things in 1987 as in 1961 , or not in the same proportions .
2 While the heyday for Greek columns was between the 1830s and the 1850s , the classical style carried on although not to the same degree .
3 This shows that after a freshening in the early 1970s , the salinity ( and temperature ) began to increase in the early 1980s , although not to the same level as in 1970 .
4 The offices on the mainland also saw their fee income fall , although not to the same extent .
5 This is fairly well known , but it is not commonly realized that synthetic detergents are affected deleteriously by the hardness of the water , although not to the same extent as soaps .
6 We found that Blacks were over-represented , although not to the same extent as in London , 6 per cent .
7 Any particular location only appeared once in the 48 stimuli , however , stimuli consisted of 24 pairs where the two films in any pair showed an identical manoeuvre in similar traffic conditions although not at the same location .
8 More disposals are likely in 1992 , although not at the same rate as last year .
9 Besides being the only decent covered area at ‘ The Tip ’ , the stand was a local landmark , and although not in the same class perhaps as the Eiffel Tower , it was held in great affection by nearby residents .
10 Spar 's wine selection has been steadily upgraded since Philippa Carr 's arrival , and although not in the same league as the major supermarkets , it is still a very handy outlet .
11 Every lawyer in the team is a supervisor for another lawyer and is in turn supervised , although not by the same lawyer .
12 Always make sure canister filters are sited below the aquarium and not on the same level or above .
13 In most general the oral tentacle scales arise deep within the mouth slit and not on the same level as the other papillae .
14 It is not possible to accept the belief that ‘ God pervades everything that is to be found in this universe down to the tiniest atom ’ , and not at the same time accept the idea of universal brotherhood and the essential unity and equality of all earthly creatures .
15 Each of the batsmen has had his moments , unfortunately not enough of them and not at the same time to a sufficient degree .
16 They are contained ( though not quite in the same form and not in the same system of units ) in Chapter IX of Maxwell 's Treatise on electricity and magnetism published in 1873 .
17 He 'd met Sean Penn maybe 20 times , and they went to the same clubs on Melrose and Sunset , even if not at the same time or on the same night .
18 It can therefore be used to associate paintings , if not to the same artist , at least geographically .
19 He did admit , however , that the growth itself had induced ‘ peculiar crises ’ , but not of the same character as those observed in the capitalist economies .
20 A record type can be a member of one or more sets and can be both owner and member but not of the same set .
21 West Indians have it , but not to the same degree .
22 The German guns then opened up but not to the same extent .
23 Two other departments also undertake this role but not to the same extent .
24 Several species of desert-living frogs and toads can withstand dehydration , but not to the same extent .
25 Qatar benefited from windfall oil profits as a result of the crisis but not to the same extent as other Gulf states .
26 There had been trade unions before of course , and er activity but not to the same extent between fifteen er nineteen fifty five to sixty , there was a great surge forward .
27 It still goes on , but not with the same rigour .
28 External stress caused by unemployment , debts and poor housing were also mentioned but not with the same frequency as issues concerned with the parent/child relationship .
29 When I speak to him he responds ; but not with the same speed with which he responds to his nurse , from whom of course he obtains satisfaction of his physical needs .
30 I mean , I 've worked with the County Council but not on the same sort of budgets as the district councils so they 're making decisions that are affecting the districts that they have n't got any means of
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