Example sentences of "[conj] not [adv] do [pers pn] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Her expression remained enigmatic , and it was quickly noticed that not once did she publicly smile or acknowledge the man who was now her husband .
2 Wouters turns Caxton 's famous quotation on its head and says ‘ things formerly forbidden are now allowed ’ , but not only does he not go into detail as to what these things might be , he certainly does not suggest that ‘ things now allowed are actively engaged in ’ .
3 This is hardly surprising since not only do they still confer enormous discretion on magistrates , but in any case they are only advisory .
4 Sex education draws together much of the Whitehouse ‘ philosophy ’ , for not only does it explicitly focus upon the young , but also it carries at least an implicit stance on the role and utility of the contemporary family .
5 The move to the capital was a great upheaval for the Manchester girls , for not only did they now have to rehearse in Sin City as they called it , but they also had to work with Londoners .
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