Example sentences of "[conj] he [vb past] [verb] [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 The trophy became known as the Gordon Bennett Cup , although he preferred to call it the Coupe Internationale .
2 Dad and I went in and Mr Vulcan explained that he wished to give me the harmonium and that there was a clean bed upstairs if we wanted it .
3 You 'd travel down to the game on a Saturday , and if you met a Leeds fan at the train station , you could be sure that they were the best mate he 'd ever had , and they 'd tell you all the latest gossip that he 'd told them the last time they were out for a few pints .
4 Regretfully , the young gentleman told him that he had quoted me the price to the trade , and for a retail sale it would be slightly more expensive , i.e. £36 plus VAT .
5 It was obvious that he had forgotten who the man was .
6 Looking at her across the table , it was hard to imagine that once he had thought her the most exotic extraordinary thing in the entire world .
7 The owner before Uncle Titch had been a retired seaman and he 'd renamed it the Turk 's Head , not after an Ottoman warrior , as most people thought , but after a special type of nautical knot that looked like a turban .
8 Perhaps he thought that , and he 'd given me the slip .
9 He only mentioned his wife to tell me he 'd just bought her something new to wear and he tried to give me the impression his brother-in-law was something of a poor fish because he could n't make ends meet . ’
10 Jim and Louise , however , had been forced to remain with their captor alongside the open trapdoor , until he had satisfied himself the coast was completely clear .
11 At last he saw that , if he was ever to eliminate his old habits , then he must refuse to do anything at all until he had given himself the directions .
12 If he had given me the £5000 , under the rules at the time I would have had to donate 15 per cent to the British Board — totally unfair in my view as I had had to find the sponsorship myself .
13 If he had told her the truth , she would not have believed him .
14 It would have been far better if he 'd done it the other way around — the rest of the set acoustic and then brought them on to play .
15 She 'd found her wallet of credit cards and flourished it under his nose , every fibre of her being poised to defy him if he tried to deny her the right to pay .
16 Stevie cos he tried to fry himself the other week
17 But he had left them the inestimable advantage of the eighty Normans on their strong horses .
18 But he had shown her the way out of her panic and con fusion : taken her into his world where things were bright , ordered , clear-cut , and easy to control .
19 It had belonged to a man called Flowers , and they had gone to Manchester just because he had offered them the flat .
20 While he waited to hand her the fish , Twomey was not amused .
21 But it was after he 'd given her the ring that the cracks had begun to appear in her façade .
22 When he had given her the keys and the egg , and had left her , she first put the egg away with great care , and then examined the house , and at last went into the forbidden room .
23 Major Vine , a small , strutting , dark-eyed , bad-tempered stoat of a man , always agreed with the Colonel when he managed to hear what the Colonel had actually said .
24 Marcus had n't given me any since I threw up in the hall and he stepped in it when he came to see what the matter was .
25 Staring blankly at the rubble , all that remained of the cottage , she tried to remember the exact words Leo had used when he 'd given her the cheque .
26 Somehow she had imagined them both greeting Peter together , wrapped in each other 's arms , confirming what Peter had already imagined when he 'd rung her the other morning .
27 There had been tears in her father 's eyes as he 'd handed her the satin-lined box containing the jewels and Emily , taking it , had felt a constriction in her throat for , with the gift , her father was recognizing she was now a woman .
28 I followed Ward 's lead as he seemed to know what the dishes were .
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