Example sentences of "[conj] he [is] [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There is only a remark in Plutarch 's Alcibiades , where he is recounting the story of the double-crossing of the Spartan ambassadors ( p. 117 ) : Alcibiades ( xiv.8 ) urges the Spartans to go before the Council because it is more ‘ moderate and kindly ’ than the People , that is the Assembly .
2 ‘ Well — suppose they 're not your clubs at all — or he 's nicked the putter ? ’
3 Although he 's survived the cancer so far , it has n't altered the fact that he will probably be in a wheelchair by the age of 10 — or that A-T could kill him before he 's 20 , unless a cure is found .
4 And he can play a bit , although he 's missing the support of Webb these days .
5 He says that he 's heard the shipping companyw ant to re-export the dog , but it would be a brave man who risked trying move the animal in it 's present condition .
6 ‘ Because my impression is that he 's using the privacy of the consulting room to hide something .
7 He says that he 's advised the farm owner that conditions are n't up to scratch , he says he 'll return to check that things have been put right .
8 At the age of 37 — old by Australian standards — Border accepts that he is nearing the end of his career but he is desparate to prolong it for two reasons .
9 A nasty suspicion comes to me that he is taking the question seriously .
10 Francis ' account of his methods in administering anabolic steroids to his athletes is factual and detailed and there is no reason to doubt that he is telling the truth .
11 Trying to repair the damage done to McKendrick 's positive face , he asks to be excused for his own inadequacies : Anderson 's upholding of the modesty maxim is augmented by the emphasis he puts on the sincerity of his apology ( the tonic syllable in the first sentence falling on " am " ) , stressing that he is fulfilling the felicity conditions ( Searle : 1969 ) for that speech act .
12 They attempt to direct the ball ‘ close to the batsman ’ so that he is denied the room to swing the bat freely and hit the ball hard .
13 And now , judging by Bill Clinton 's croak as he addressed supporters yesterday , there are already signs that he is feeling the pace .
14 The last thing Ken Sawkins wants is to upset people but he feels strongly that he is doing the area a good turn .
15 In a takeover campaign that has already seen vitriolic language , he responds to the charge that he is mounting the bid to enrich himself and his friends by saying : ‘ Nobody could take that as a criticism — this is an investor group .
16 Instead it is copied to the plaintiff together with new Form N236 which asks him to confirm whether he wishes the case to proceed or that he is withdrawing the action ( Ord 9 , r 2(7) ) .
17 And by the time this magazine goes to press Mr Lang is expected to have announced that he is rejecting the Countryside Commission for Scotland 's detailed proposals for four Scottish national parks in Glen Coe and Ben Nevis , Loch Lomond , the Cairngorms and Wester Ross .
18 The new inspector advises me that he is restricting the loan interest relief to that payable on the Halifax loan on the basis that ‘ the net MIRAS arrangements have been fully utilised by the Halifax loan ’ .
19 Finally , if the surveyor can show the contractor that he is processing the claim and will.make his decision within a reasonable time , it should be possible to maintain a good relationship with him .
20 Since the uncle is the boy 's heir , this shows that the jurist must regard a transmissible interest in the estate as having vested in the boy before his death ; which means that he is taking dies cedens to have passed , although the boy has not lived until age sixteen ; and that in turn means that he is interpreting the trust as subject not to a condition but to a term ( dies ) .
21 The right hon. and learned Gentleman knows that he is avoiding the reality because it is so embarrassing .
22 Even as he uses the accommodation in Annexe A to manoeuvre Serafin into discovering for himself the waiting garret , so he is using the garret to manoeuvre him into rejecting all the proposed associates in Annexe B. Once Serafin has insisted on installing himself in the garret — against all reasonable advice — he is going to discover that the kind of staff he needs will be young and agile , with a good knowledge of the backstairs of Government buildings and an ability to duck their heads and remain inclined slightly forwards for long periods of time .
23 Once he 's harvested the wheat crop , there 's still the beans , which can not be cut because of the rain .
24 ‘ Lord , there is one ruler over all the known worlds , and he is called the Emperor .
25 Tod is conducting a long argument , and he is telling the truth , but the invisible people who might hear and judge luckily refuse to believe him and turn away in silence , weariness and disgust .
26 He is working on a scheme with the National Federation of WI to organise a competition to celebrate next year 's 75th anniversary by offering 10 telecottages as prizes for its 9,000 branches and he is hoping the WI will establish a pilot telecottage near its college in Denman , Oxfordshire .
27 Hugh will be accompanied by a 30-foot safety boat , and he is making the journey , which he estimates will take him about ten hours , in a standard sea kayak , and he is due in around 4.30 this afternoon .
28 Boltanski photographed each of 143 pupils when he visited London in September and he is testing the way in which art is created by its context by also sending the portraits to the pupils ' parents in return for the fee which would have been charged by the school photographer .
29 For now Andrew Saxton continues to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders and he 's hoping the decision will be reversed before the event starts .
30 There 's aids and he 's chasing the bum and the bum 's running and the aids is going come on you little bastard and he 's going leave me alone and so he runs up a tree and there 's a bird there and he 's got all bones on him , he 's a s witch doctor and the bird goes , and the bird goes , what 's a matter ?
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