Example sentences of "[conj] he [verb] at the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 An ill man , he returned to his brother James 's farm , where he died at the early age of forty-seven , 19 October 1799 .
2 He had no Scots upbringing either , since in 1924 his family moved to south Yorkshire , where he studied at the local elementary school and at Wath-on-Dearne Grammar School , before entering Magdalene College , Cambridge , in 1939 .
3 Achieving a personal style became his ultimate photographic ambition , and under the influence of Josef Herman , a Polish photographer who spent many years in Wales documenting the lives of the coal miners , he paid his first visit to The National Gallery , where he gazed at the Old Masters and eventually formed what he called ‘ a concept of total image ’ .
4 He did really well as a novice a year ago in some top class races in Ireland and , although he fell at the seventh in last year 's Gold Cup , he should be a more mature horse and a better jumper this season .
5 Steve has got one that he played at the last S L Os meeting , it lasts about four minutes it 's as long as the song he ai n't heavy he 's my brother .
6 The Gesta clearly states ( though very briefly ) that he studied at the great law university of Bologna .
7 And the bill he , that he gets at the same as the time as the delivery , and what 's normal credit conditions ?
8 The prosecution finally dropped its charges when Robert McFarlane , National Security Adviser in 1983-85 and thus North 's superior , who was brought before Gesell on Sept. 11 as a test case to decide whether proceedings should continue , declared that North 's congressional testimony had a " very powerful impact " on him and " coloured " evidence that he gave at the original trial .
9 Chance evidence from one chronicle records that he stayed at the Benedictine abbey of Andres in the Pas de Calais on his way before crossing the Channel .
10 I think it 's just that he arrived at the same conclusions .
11 He ought to swap the doctors that he has at the Serious Fraud Office for those who decide applications for disability allowance and attendance allowance .
12 He was supposed to deliver a bull to the district officer , it was about three weeks ago , and he decided at the last moment to replace the bull with another one .
13 And he waved at the magnificent room , and her whole luxurious life which she knew beyond a doubt that she was willing to give up forever .
14 After reading the signpost , the user moves off in the direction of his choice until he arrives at the next crossroads .
15 Like everyone else on holiday , he thought he had ‘ got away from it all ’ for a few days until he arrived at the famous White Horse Inn and was confronted by … fellow Fellow ( ! )
16 If he went at the natural pace , Michael Banks got lost and confused , unable to speak one line while hearing the next .
17 But to allow you to get a bonus point , if he continues at the same level , will we require further annualising from him .
18 How right you are Mr Deputy Speaker , of course I could n't go into this because it 's out of order but on the other hand I would simply say to the honourable gentleman if he looks at the basic policies , the basic flaw of the E C is it ca n't solve problems and all these new M E Ps we 're thinking of sending over I think we should bear in mind the problem , they 're going over to something where problems ca n't be solved .
19 Raymond and I no longer share a bed , but he wakes at the slightest noise . ’
20 But he shuddered at the military and political repercussions throughout the Middle East of a Western bid to defeat or overthrow Nasser .
21 But he appeared at the Old Bailey for an earlier trespass at Buckingham Palace , during which he had drunk some wine in the office of the Prince of Wales ' private secretary , and was sent to a secure hospital in Liverpool .
22 Where the beneficiary 's interest comes to an end to any extent or is in any way disposed of during his lifetime after 25/3/74 , then unless he becomes at the same time beneficially entitled to the property in which the terminated interest subsisted or to another interest in possession in it CTT is prima facie chargeable in respect of its value .
23 Where the beneficiary 's interest comes to an end to any extent or is in any way disposed of during his lifetime , then unless he becomes at the same time beneficially entitled to the property in which the interest subsisted or to another interest in possession in it CTT is to be charged as if he had made a transfer ( Continued on page 129 ) of value at that time and the value transferred had been equal to the value of the property in which the interest subsisted .
24 It seems , then , that not only may an entrepreneur-producer be a monopolist because he happens at the same time to be a monopolist resource owner , he may be a monopolist because he has made himself a monopolist resource owner in the course of his entrepreneurial activities .
25 The drum grew louder in the final roll , the flautists blew steadily , keying up anticipation , and the rattle fell silent as Dulé took one step with his other foot and left the ground , then hand over hand into the air shinned up the free-standing ladder till he alighted at the tenth rung and hung there like a heron on a breakwater at home , it seemed to Kit , even as he asked himself in wonder , what unearthly magic 's here ?
26 And suddenly I caught sight of this … prat sailing down the Cam back towards Cambridge in a punt , with a girl doing all the work , while he reclined at the exact angle , trying to play a chord and strum a tune …
27 Since he continued at the same time to deny any intention to stand , the letter seemed designed to test the ground while adding to the ferment in the parliamentary party — especially among those MPs sitting in vulnerable , marginal seats .
28 When he looked at the tremendous penalty borne by the aircraft in regard to the armour plating carried , the first thing to go was a huge ½″ thick slab that could have graced Fort Knox , but which protected the W/Op and the cabin crew , and that must have weighed several hundred pounds .
29 He must have supposed himself to be using a language absolutely purged of metaphor when he wrote at the grand climax of the Discourse on method
30 New Zealander Chris O'Neill was the first Kiwi to sport the red and white of Japan when he played at the 1990 Hong Kong Sevens — but he almost certainly wo n't be the last .
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