Example sentences of "[conj] have been [verb] in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Certiorari quashes a decision which is found to be invalid because it is outside the powers granted to the court or tribunal ( ultra vires ) , or has been given in proceedings in which the principles of natural justice were not observed , or where there has been an error of law on the face of the record .
2 Basically , every compliment that has been chucked in Suede 's direction during the past ten minutes the band wholeheartedly , erm , agree with .
3 In this way , I hoped that most people would be able to share in the excitement and feeling of achievement in the remarkable progress that has been made in physics in the last twenty-five years .
4 The start that has been made in Shrewsbury , however , is extremely encouraging for my constituency and for the people of Shropshire in general .
5 I beg to move , That this House welcomes the great progress that has been made in employment and the reduction of strikes since 1979 and condemns the employment policies of the Labour Party , particularly its proposals to encourage strikes , to accept every aspect of the European Commission 's Social Action Programme and to impose a national statutory minimum wage , all of which would significantly increase burdens on British employers , undermine competitiveness and destroy jobs .
6 Let us think for a few moments of the wonderful achievements of the human race — the towns that have been built , the works of art that have been produced — the books , plays , films , pictures , music … the progress that has been made in science and technology .
7 In other words , their natural history does not fit with the explanation that has been repeated in textbooks for decade after decade .
8 The sounds of England , the tinkle of the hammer on the anvil in the country smithy , the corncrake on a dewy morning , the sound of the scythe against the whetstone , and the sight of a plough team coming over the brow of a hill , the sight that has been seen in England since England was a land , and may be seen in England long after the Empire has perished and every works in England has ceased to function .
9 Mickey Duff , Wharton 's manager , said : ‘ Wharton is the most exciting fighter that has been seen in Yorkshire and Castro is a good fighter .
10 What a waste of all the good work that has been done in India !
11 This would accord with basic notions of democracy and indeed with much of the work that has been done in user analysis .
12 To devise policies that directly lead to more positive and imaginative approaches , I am proposing that schools need to focus on two particular strands of educational research : first , the research that has been developed in relation to ‘ effective schools ’ , and second , the principles that underpin ‘ The Whole-School Approach to Special Educational Needs ’ .
13 Finally , do check that an essential oil labelled as such is in fact 100 per cent essential oil and not one that has been diluted in almond oil ( this is sometimes the case with expensive oils such as rose or neroli ) .
14 However , it is already apparent that resistance can be induced in insects relatively rapidly when they are exposed to toxin that has been expressed in plants or other organisms .
15 Submerged oxygenating plants replace the oxygen that has been lost in respiration .
16 Here , we need to recall the very broad distinction that has been mentioned in chapter 2 , between historical linguistic theory ( and the theory of change ) on the one hand , and historical linguistic description , on the other .
17 The arrangement of the same data that has been shown in Figs. 8.1 and 8.2 , but now held as a multilist , is shown in Fig. 8.3 .
18 Earlier , the director of the United Nations Transitional Assistance Group ( Untag ) , Irish-born Mr Cedric Thornberry , described the election as freer than any poll that has been held in West Belfast .
19 It 's a word that has been percolating in dance music for the past couple of years , a reminder that there was life before raves , gripping club culture by the scruff of its Joe Bloggs shirt , and shaking it until the penny drops .
20 If the galls are fully grown , cut off the twig or stem and wrap its cut end in cotton-wool or paper tissue that has been soaked in water .
21 A ‘ New Yorker ’ is a tab of E that has been marinaded in LSD ( they were particularly fashionable a year ago ) .
22 The heads of terms , which should be a brief document , will summarise in general terms the basis of the transaction that has been agreed in principle .
23 Partly as a result of this , it has been found that digestion in falcons causes greater modification of bones than has been found in owl prey assemblages ( Yalden & Yalden , 1985 ) .
24 Some forty-five years after my visit to Preston I was talking to a business acquaintance who , although having been based in Southampton for many years , had never lost his Lancashire accent .
25 The improvement in January was better than had been expected in December , sales of both vehicles and parts and accessories increased and the trade is looking forward to a further improvement in February .
26 The plantation director was standing on an upturned crate that had been placed in position for him beneath the light , and despite the early hour he was already wearing his customary pitch helmet , the sleeves of his bush shirt were rolled high on his brown muscular arms and he was bare-legged in shorts , heavy jungle boots and short thick socks .
27 For Bridgnorth had made me resolve that I would never more go among a people that had been hardened in unprofitableness under an awakening ministry …
28 Further details were published by the Egyptian press on March 10 of an alleged Islamic fundamentalist plot that had been uncovered in February .
29 As appears from the chronology which I have already recited the purpose of the December charge being executed in favour of the mortgagees was simply to replace the defective charge that had been given in September .
30 It pointed to the progress that had been made in Mexico , the Philippines and Costa Rica .
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