Example sentences of "[conj] have be [verb] by [det] " in BNC.

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1 If coal was just another industry or a medium-sized company in the private sector whose product was not as much in demand as previously , or had been superseded by another product that it could not make or compete with it , that industry or company would slim down or might even close altogether — with the same tragic effect on families and communities as has been seen in the coal industry .
2 Chairman , can I say briefly that the merger and I 'm quite pleased that we 've finally er there is a death knell to this this awful word , it 's been bandied on for far too long , it 's been perhaps the single most controversial issue that has been debated by this authority along with some other mediocre issues and no one here would not admit er to the fact that it has been opposed on such massive scale and even today we 've had a further petition of three hundred and ninety five people opposing er this this this dreadful merger decision that was hanging over the er the the two centres and I 'm pleased that er this this er amendment , this er er erm this petition was brought forward today because it does indicate the continuing support and opposition to er the the kind of things that we should be doing and and those that we should n't .
3 If he has no such evidence , does he think that the introduction of Sunday trading in Britain is likely to cause the kind of social and moral breakdown that has been suggested by some advocates of restrictions ?
4 Our success in attracting more investment from the United States than has been attracted by all the countries of western Europe put together is proof that we have created a more attractive climate for investment than anywhere else in Europe .
5 Like Jane Austen , he is also well aware of the social divide that had been created by such villages , for he observes that ‘ the possessors of extensive parks abhorred the appearance of a human habitation , however humble or however distant ; and the first object of a new settler , of the rank of a gentleman , was , generally , to purchase everything around him ; and to seclude himself in a sort of artificial forest , for his own exclusive enjoyment and that of his friends ’ .
6 P cepacia was not recovered from the external surface of the spirometer handpiece , or from the arms of a wooden chair that had been grasped by each patient during spirometry .
7 Valerius Geist , a well-respected mountain sheep biologist , once found a mountain goat that had been killed by another and had no less than 32 horn punctures , including several injuries to the lungs and heart .
8 Her sister did not reply , confused by the question , and the anxiety that had been aroused by those few moments , during which two men had helped old Eleanor Thorne down the front path and into a waiting ambulance .
9 Apart from the obvious benefits to those who , like myself , suffer with-gall stones , I was surprised to read so many other benefits to health that had been enjoyed by many volunteers .
10 The bank with surplus cash could buy CDs on the money market that had been issued by another bank .
11 Quite a large sum of money was created partly out of existing funds ( of LEA ) which were to support in-service in schools that had been identified by some kind of functional group in the school …
12 The censor lost his job when the pious preface brought laughter down on the Church that had been duped by such an obvious pretence .
13 Instead , some examples will be given of the type of claims that have been made in the courts of the United Kingdom , Australia , and the United States , and of the responses that have been favoured by these domestic courts .
14 The Darwinians were also impressed with the discovery by Henry Walter Bates ( 1825–92 ) of a new kind of mimicry in South American insects , where an edible species copies the warning colours that have been developed by another species that is distasteful to birds .
15 ‘ We will go into the intimate details of the injuries that have been suffered by this poor child , which will not be apparent to anyone outside of the investigating team , ’ he said .
16 The above equations ( 10.62,63 ) are exactly those for the vacuum Gowdy cosmologies that have been considered by many authors .
17 The highly charged politics of national identity that have been occasioned by these developments have been transposed into a higher , shriller key by current concern over the appeal of a wide pan-European disposition tailored to the new range of possibilities that flow from tighter political and economic integration of the European Economic Community .
18 The diversity of family forms that have been produced by these changes amongst others is illustrated in figure 6.2 .
19 There will be stricter limits on the state-of-siege powers that have been used by all governments for the past 40 years .
20 I do not know , I have great reservations on that as long as the policies that have been perpetrated by this government remain .
21 It has an illustrious past , first as a grand private mansion and then as a hotel and has been visited by many crowned heads of Europe and many great literary figures such as the poets Milton , Shelley and Keats .
22 And has been said by several people who are here .
23 Spencer coined the term ‘ survival of the fittest ’ and has been seen by some historians as the first of the ‘ social Darwinists ’ .
24 Admittedly , the politically radical implication of poststructuralist and deconstructive theory is a highly problematic idea , and has been resisted by some on the Left such as Terry Eagleton and Frank Lentricchia , and the contributors to a largely Marxist collection of essays , The Theory of Reading .
25 Local government has seen the growth of intra-as well as inter-party politics , and has been used by both major parties to promote ‘ radical ’ policies .
26 He said the statue was well received at the Garden Festival and had been wanted by many local authorities .
27 Here we know that the enclosure of the open fields began in the 1570s , and had been completed by some date in the seventeenth century .
28 Van in those days was remote from Constantinople and had been visited by few Europeans .
29 Under Edward I and Edward II , and in the early years of Edward III , grants of money had generally been made with reluctance , and had been accompanied by many complaints about the conduct of royal financial officials .
30 The European Convention on Human Rights has not been made part of our law by statute , so it does not in itself create rights enforceable in our courts ; but having been ratified by this country it is binding on us as a matter of international law .
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