Example sentences of "[conj] have be [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Those who observed the Scots without the disadvantages of succumbing to rheumatism or feeling the humiliation of having failed to conquer them — or having been brought up in luxury in France — could see beyond the poverty to these characteristics .
2 In a significant break with his predecessor , Mr Major offered junior and middle-ranking ministerial posts to several senior backbenchers who had been overlooked by Mrs Thatcher or had been kept out of her government .
3 By ten p.m. certain members of the company were sniffing coke or had been turned on by acid or speed or grass .
4 Once people have been diagnosed as suffering from food poisoning , or have been struck down by viral infactions and diseases caused by doubtful practices , it is necessary for somebody to step in and legislate for the industry .
5 Returns are kept in the Public Record Office at Chancery Lane , London , under the classification E179 , but an enquirer should first check the availability of those which have been printed on a county basis or have been copied on to microfilm .
6 Those improvements which have been gained by the farm worker have often been by-products of trade union agitation in other industries or have been brought about by such external agencies as government action and technological innovation .
7 The common application programming interface that it and Hewlett-Packard Co worked on with Objectivity Inc , Ontos Inc , Object Design Inc and Versant Object Technology Inc , to allow developers to write programs that could utilise any object database — work that has been turned over to the Object Management Group — is a Spring technology ( UX No 362 ) .
8 ‘ WHEN I knelt at the spot where Donald died I felt a knot that has been tied up inside me for three years slowly unravel .
9 Er for example erm any service that has been transferred in from another scheme .
10 It certainly is everything that has been fended off by the ego , so to that extent it , it corresponds more closely to erm to the unconscious .
11 A detachment represents a body of troops that has been split off from the rest of their regiment and armed as small , independent units whose role is to operate within sight of their regiment .
12 All morning it has been calm but now we are threatened by a storm that has been brewing out to the west .
13 The point of departure is the general valuation model that has been developed out of discounted cash flow ( DCF ) techniques .
14 The snow had drifted deep over the path that has been carved down to the chasm and we soon lost it , progressing by kicking steps into the hard snow .
15 I think most of the plots have been written , and it a genre that has been written out in the way that the Western was written out .
16 Opening the can of Coke that has been rattling round in your school bag all morning .
17 However , although it is the ideal course of action for John — allowing him to take advantage of some of the excellent schemes around at the moment as well as releasing cash that has been building up in his home over the years — he should look out for excessive costs that a remortgage can incur .
18 There is one particular practice that has been singled out for special treatment and that is resale price maintenance .
19 One miracle to praise God for is that everything that has been sent out to me I have received ( at least as far as I know ) .
20 These prizes were awarded to students for commendable achievements and demonstrate the close partnership that has been built up between the polytechnic 's Department of Science and local industry .
21 The connotations of this in the creation of manhood were made clear by Baden Powell , founder of the Scout movement , who observed that masturbation checks the semen from getting its full chance of making the strong , manly man : ‘ You are throwing away the seed that has been handed down to you as a trust instead of keeping it and ripening it for bringing a son to you later on . ’
22 The self-destructive streak in Scottish football is a legacy that has been handed down from Hughie Gallacher in the '20s to Mo Johnston in the present day , but it finds its most bloated expression in Slim Jim , a player whose massive reputation was built on his slender athletic frame but whose downfall has been a rake 's progress of late nights , seedy bars and relentless beer bellies .
23 The Ronseal varnishes used here can also be applied to a painted or previously varnished surface that has been rubbed down with a fine abrasive paper .
24 Now it 's all hands to the deck for the close friends as they knuckle down to bring back the sparkle that has been missing down at Hamilton Park for the past few seasons .
25 I I simply , I simply want er er a direct message from from the programme which is going on Chairman incidentally I I note that Nottinghamshire County Council erm has found a a and the Labour group there has found it necessary to tackle just the same problems erm in elderly persons homes and that I understand that they have a a closure list of seven , now presumably that has been drawn up from a long list of a lot more than seven , say fourteen or fifteen from which they 've made their final choice .
26 In the case of Foresterhill , all the main clinical departments have given their support to the proposal — a proposal that has been drawn up by a multidisciplinary team .
27 Over the next two weeks , it will be mailing details about the initiative through to its customers , including the new 0800 number that has been set up for anyone wishing to give or receive information about piracy .
28 Speaking against one member , one vote but also speaking against the half-hearted document that has been put out by the C E C.
29 The spread of AIDS may have signalled the end of the gigantic sex trip that has been going on since the sixties .
30 ICL 's parallel engine will effectively productise work that has been going on since 1989 under the auspices of a European Community Esprit II project known as the European Declarative System , EDS .
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