Example sentences of "[conj] have [vb pp] in [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Helmholtz generalized what others had suggested , or had established in one context .
2 Most of us know , or have encountered in some way , an example of someone who speaks his mind , and does so with such gentleness and grace he rarely alienates anyone .
3 The model of multidisciplinary teamwork that has emerged in old age psychiatry potentially provides a means whereby the valuable experience of the several disciplines concerned can be applied to the widest possible range of those who need it .
4 Secondly we have not heard of anything that has changed in this county since nineteen eighty sufficient to warrant or justify in this alteration the addition of a policy the effect of which , one one with a similar effect having been thrown out at that time .
5 There was one in America , for example , where a hundred people died because a sulphalidomide preparation was wrongly formulated , erm and the biggest disaster that has happened in this country was in fact with asthma aerosols , where they were misused .
6 Everything that has transpired in this room has been recorded .
7 Some of them were ex-members of the committees of poor peasants ( kombedy ) that had requisitioned in military style during War Communism , a style that lingered on .
8 And his notes for the course on lyric ( prepared in the spring of 1869 ) show him devoting ten times more space to the dithyramb , of which next to nothing had survived from antiquity , than to the epinician , the kind immortalized by Pindar and the only kind that had survived in any bulk . "
9 Because it is possible to turn the regressed patient into an observer rather than into someone undergoing the experience she was able to tell me everything that had happened in precise detail .
10 Far more cheerful , I felt , would be a reminder of some of the lighter moments from the world of finance that have appeared in this column .
11 But it is perhaps primarily in his assertion that ‘ Il n'y a pas de hors texte ’ ( ‘ There is nothing outside the text/nothing except text ’ ) that he may seem most relevant to literary theory , for in this claim one hears echoes of the principles of a number of the major theories of literature that have emerged in this century .
12 Conversely , the character and so the supraspecific group membership of the species that have originated in any area is determined by conditions there .
13 Savanna regions outside Africa have also experienced development problems that have resulted in environmental change .
14 As stated above , the problem of desertification has been brought to public attention by famines that have resulted in immense loss of life , especially in the Sahel-Saharan zone of Africa ( reviewed in Glanz 1987 and Mortimore 1989 ) , the causes of which have been the subject of much debate and have recently been reviewed by Hulme ( 1989 ) .
15 Simon rowed in the last Olympics and has competed in 4 world championships .
16 Fox & Gibbons is a law firm in the Middle East and has specialised in Middle East fund management for more than 25 years .
17 Having set forth the accepted Turkish tradition concerning the early Muftilik and having reviewed in some detail the lives of the first three Muftis , one may now pass on to a consideration in more general terms of the validity of the tradition and of such important problems as the reasons for the creation of the institution and the nature of the early Muftilik , problems which are either not dealt with at all by Turkish writers or are dealt with only in the vaguest terms .
18 The silk was of the first order , better than one could obtain nowadays , and had kept in good condition over the years .
19 Since progress is still rapid I have chosen the title " An Introduction to Polymer Mechanics " and have indicated in each chapter where further information may be sought and where current advances are being reported .
20 I am thirty years old and have lived in this country for twenty-one years .
21 I am eleven-and-a-half years old and have lived in this country for two years .
22 We have worked in alliance with the Gwent and Brecknock Wildlife Trusts and have kept in close touch with other voluntary and statutory bodies .
23 The company secretarial department of the firm can and have acted in this role on occasions .
24 We have also described at some length the structures and procedures for the administration of the project and its inservice outcomes , and have dwelt in some detail on the processes of the selection and monitoring of schools involved .
25 If a more formal system of appraisal is adopted ( as has happened in some part of the United States ) to evaluate teachers throughout their career , certain significant problems will need to be resolved .
26 And in the reviews of the Section d'Or and the progressive Salons of 1912 , there are indications that the works of Kupka , Picabia and Marcel Duchamp were generally recognized as having gone in some way beyond those of the original Cubists in daring and novelty .
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